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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: Ukraine Cluster Fuck
« on: September 07, 2023, 10:54:43 AM »
...until we got a half dead dried up demented puppet in the White House.

this one?

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: September 07, 2023, 07:34:15 AM »
Remember the LIES the democrat communists told about Ivermectin?

The interesting thing is the the fucking moron criminals at the corrupt fda HAD to go after Ivermectin, or the emergency authorization that turned out so profitably for the fucking scum bag bastard fauci, wouldn't have been legally enacted.

That fucking moronic, bastard was the instrument in a lot of deaths that were totally unnecessary. No wonder liberal assholes love him so much.

An international study has concluded that Ivermectin prevented more serious illness in approximately 62% of cases.  See the Gateway Pundit article referenced above, and find this fabulous line: "There have now been 99 Ivermectin COVID-19 controlled studies that show a 62% improvement in COVID patients."  Think of the number of ventilator hours saved, and the number of hospital beds that could have been freed up with even a 50% effective rate.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: September 07, 2023, 06:25:28 AM »
I guess if you’re leaning over someone’s open belly you don’t really want to drop spit into it.
However, Junior Mints have been proven to be beneficial. 

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: September 06, 2023, 08:12:15 PM »
Masks are used in the operating room to keep contaminates to a minimum (hair, nose hair, human saliva, nose, mucus, etc.).

You cleverly left out which direction the contaminates are going.
I think the real reason is to keep the contaminates like blood splatter, mucus, and saliva off the doctor's face.

Spin Zone / Re: Ukraine Cluster Fuck
« on: September 06, 2023, 06:12:38 PM »
Consider the alternatives that Blinken could have announced:
"We stand with Ukraine till December 31st, 2023." (or some arbitrary date)
"We stand with Ukraine till we've spent another $10 billion and not a penny more."
"We think Ukraine should cede to Russia all the land they not only occupy but that which they claim and refuse to further support Ukraine."
And so on.

Or... Fuck the corrupt ukraine regime.
Our money has not been properly spent... and not another fucking dime.

the regime can fund their private villas and numbered personal bank accounts elsewhere.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: September 06, 2023, 04:39:01 PM »
Mask science has changed a lot. In 2017 I was in the hospital for eight days and then again for six days. Both times were for surgery and recovery.

What else did I have to do? I watched stuff.

The only time I ever saw a mask was in the operating room.

NO ONE else in the entire place, that I saw, wore a mask. Not the nurses, not the doctors, not the visitors, not the patients, not the people who brought food, not the lady who came in and cleaned the room.

No one.

Only in the operating room.

Fuck masks, except in operating rooms. Change my mind.

Oh, and I’m fine if people WANT to wear a mask. But everyone having to wear one is a total scam.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: September 03, 2023, 07:47:30 AM »
  Hard to say at this point.  One part of those supporters are the ones that want another establishment guy in the WH.
Maybe I'm way out of touch with the common person.  Are there really people out there that want an establishment president?  Most people I talk to, left and right, want anything BUT an establishment president.  Government the way it's always been is clearly not working.  The argument is how to fix it.  Sure, the MIC and elites and the political class love the establishment as it's a great way to funnel funds from the proletariat.  The people are getting very unhappy.

Spin Zone / Re: Will Biden Ever Be Punished?
« on: September 02, 2023, 05:46:23 AM »
The long list of things that Congress is not doing is very damning. Will they ever be punished? No audit of our billions to Ukraine comes to mind right away. A functional Congress would be all over that with a magnifying glass.

Apparently they actually have looked into the Bidens pretty thoroughly and have indeed expostulated that it is BAD, VERY BAD, but I see the endless analysis of pundits saying the Republicans are saying it’s a bad time to impeach Biden, or something.

Really, it’s so obvious it’s painful … they’re all on the take. War is the chief moneymaker for them. Even the renegade Republicans who pop up occasionally, act indignant about what’s going on, say all the right things, and appear to be sane and serving us. Then crickets.

K, so they’re pissing away our wealth but not before lining their pockets, pushing us toward war, making us fear for the loss of even the tiniest pleasures, like having a softly-lit home in which we can prepare a meal on a gas stove, forcing our cooking and driving and heat and light onto a wobbly, vulnerable power grid, and looming over us with the threat of another virus dump and more mandates.

And that’s just scratching the surface. Every day, some new tyranny. Drip, drip, drip.

Congress is the target. They’re lackeys to the Dems and yes, as corrupt as the Bidens. Otherwise they’d have kept us from this mess entirely and would have investigated the 20202 steal and on and on. Their priorities can be seen by what they ignore. A Congress with balls is what we need.

Tyrannies or trannies?  I can see where both would apply.
I thought he meant one of these.  I got this photo of the critter while riding a train in the Black Hills.

Spin Zone / Re: HURRICANE IDALIA - Where to Help
« on: August 31, 2023, 12:48:51 PM »
It's early for full relief efforts to be on the ground but here are the ones I've physically come across so far.
Anyone interested can look them up and see if their mission corresponds with your intentions.

There are probably lots more, but here are those I saw.

Florida Baptist Disaster Relief

Mercy Chefs - they got out fast...  feeding hungry people since early this morning.

Second Harvest Food Bank is out in force.

Samaritan's Purse

Feeding Tampa Bay

Catholic Relief Services

Red Cross (I'm not in favor of giving money here)

I.D.E.S.  as almost always - first and most, and most quiet about their work.

Feeding South Florida

Florida Georgia Catholic Charities

recycle them as part of the border wall.

Make liberal heads explode

Spin Zone / Re: HURRICANE IDALIA - Where to Help
« on: August 30, 2023, 05:02:33 PM »
What were they flying? That's too cool!
C130.  There were about 15 people on board.  They were measuring and recording a lot of stuff not just temp, dew points, pressure, windspeed and I understand they were sending the data realtime back to the base and NOAA.  They kept watching me I found out later they had a betting pool going about when I would blow chow.  I had spent 2 years in Vietnam courtesy of the Army with plenty of chopper rides so I disappointed them.  Never did find out who won the pool.

Pilot Zone / Re: Cocaine Mitch Freezes Again
« on: August 30, 2023, 02:22:27 PM »
Sad but these old bastards are intoxicated with their power and self-worth. Look at Feinstein, FJB, embarrassing to the country. Power corrupts and there’s a bunch that fit that!

Spin Zone / Re: HURRICANE IDALIA - Where to Help
« on: August 30, 2023, 12:15:38 PM »
I was based at Keesler AFB (Biloxi, MS) in the late 70's.  There were 2 Hurricane Hunter squadrons there at that time one was a reserve outfit if my memory is correct.  I had a part time job as flight instructor with the aero club and other instructor was pilot with the active duty hurricane squadron.  I did take a ride through Hurricane Frederick and, shall we say, it was interesting.  I still have the headset I used during that flight.

Spin Zone / Re: HURRICANE IDALIA - Where to Help
« on: August 30, 2023, 07:06:00 AM »
Teal 71 now heading back home.
I looked up that squadron and see they fly C-130s. That’s better than P-3 Orions because Hercs have more room to hold their gigantic testicles.

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