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Messages - President in Exile YOLT

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Spin Zone / Super Bowl
« on: February 08, 2021, 07:28:16 AM »
So are they still counting to see who won?

In a few days will we start seeing news reports that at 3am points were added to the game to the losing team and they are being declared the winner?

Spin Zone / Re: Gender neutral construction
« on: February 07, 2021, 11:26:41 PM »

I just randomly ran across the data and “thousands and thousands of hours” grossly misrepresents it. The value is roughly 55 million hours running reactors and that is just the US. Out of that, there has been one incident.

Yeah, I’m on board with nuclear.
The China Syndrome with Hanoi Jane sure fucked up people’s perceptions of nuclear power plants.

Pilot Zone / A brief history of Estes rockets
« on: January 29, 2021, 11:07:35 PM »
I grew up in the 60s and enjoyed model rocketry. I think some here also did, so you may enjoy this video:

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 10, 2021, 11:06:38 AM »
Marches by black people are treated much more harshly than the white crowd was on Wednesday.  That should be apparent to anyone who watched.
You may have been sleeping for 9 months, but cities like Minneapolis, Kenosha, Portland, Seattle, Washington DC and others burned for days in BLM and Antifa riots, COMPLETELY UNIMPEDED by law enforcement who stood by and watched it happen, at the stand-down orders of mayors and.or governors.   

You would be more credible if you didn’t lie, and weren’t so hyperbolic.

Spin Zone / Re: Merry Christmas
« on: December 25, 2020, 04:16:54 PM »
We were supposed to meet at 1:00 and they futzed around all afternoon finally at 4:00 I said I’m out I can’t talk now and at 4:05 they go we’re ready now!  Too late it’s my nap time.

Spin Zone / Re: USMA cadets accused of cheating
« on: December 22, 2020, 08:05:53 AM »
Those are only accusations of cheating.   No real evidence.

It appears the academy was just sloppy in the way they handled the test.

I know I'm going to be called snotty, or arrogant or worse, but I think you all are being a little petty here.  Big deal if the President's wife is called Doctor, (which she is entitled to).  She obviously worked darn hard to earn the degree.  And she isn't even running for anything, so what is the big deal?
Save it Joe. For 8 years we were force fed that Michelle Obama was the most beautiful woman to grace the White House. Then when Melania came in, she was not only ignored, she was derided and ridiculed.

Now we are being force fed that we MUST call Jill Biden Doctor.

Fuck that.

Spin Zone / Re: What Is The Proper Punishment For Election Stealing?
« on: December 14, 2020, 11:39:25 AM »
By this point, everyone should have bailed.  It's done.  Put a fork in it.  Move on.

If the election were held today, I would not vote for Trump.  I wouldn't vote for Biden either, but Trump's belief that he must be president shows a lack of respect for the country and the Republic. There is a process and he has lost.  If you want to bitch more about cheating, it will still do nothing to change the past.  You could do something about the future, but knowing how Republicans operate, you'll just sit home and yell at the kids to get off your lawn.

apparently you (bflynn) think that many (some?) of the people on PS are strict Republicans.

I wonder how many PS participants (not lurkers, but people that participate) are registered Republicans...

I, for one, am unenrolled... but I'm in maskachusetts, so it doesn't matter much what with so many people blindly voting for whatever slime has a (d) next to the name.

I'm also confused by the hatred of President Trump, apparently because of his view that elections should be fair.  Why are you against fair elections?

Spin Zone / Re: Censorship is the new normal
« on: December 11, 2020, 10:19:23 AM »
If nothing is done, either now or over the next four years, to correct the issues that affected this election, no election in the future will be conducted without considerable fraud.

Pilot Zone / Re: SpaceX Starship SN8 12km Hop Poll
« on: December 09, 2020, 12:14:03 PM »
Master Switch:  ON.............

Spin Zone / Re: Republicans show their true colors once again
« on: December 09, 2020, 10:27:28 AM »
Your belief is not fact.  Only 53% of Republicans support a Trump 2024 run - Politico poll Tuesday.  At best he could convince those people to leave the Republican party and follow him to a new Trump party, but at least some of those would stick with the party over a personality. 

What's sad is that 53% is enough to win a primary, but not enough to beat any semi-competent Democrat challenger. So those other 47% would be holding their noses in the general election and some would withhold their votes.  I still assert Trump lost because he turned people off, regardless of how many people he energized.  High enthusiasm of a smaller voting block is not a winning strategy.  47% hardly qualifies as "not many".

Four years can change a lot.  Trump will have that time to rehabilitate himself with voters.  Other Republicans who want to run will have the chance to position themselves.  We will see what happens in the future.

Polls aren’t polls anymore. Polls exist as a tool to shape public opinion, not to report on it.

Spin Zone / Re: Republicans show their true colors once again
« on: December 05, 2020, 04:15:14 PM »
Engineering used to be a professional occupational. Back in the day engineers lived good lives, but the H1b destroyed engineering as a PROFESSIONAL occupation. Indian/Asians were happy to come in making 40 cents on the dollar.

I’m gonna make it to the finish line and retire a little bit early, but it wasn’t the fulfilling career I had expected it to be. I actively dissuade smart kids from entering the profession.

Spin Zone / Re: What Is The Proper Punishment For Election Stealing?
« on: December 03, 2020, 03:12:35 PM »
You guys really are delusional.  For Biden to have "stolen" the election he'd have needed a conspiracy spanning several states, many of which are controlled by Republicans.  No one, not even Barr, has found a shred of evidence of this.  You all live in some sort of weird alternate reality where the folks you deride as being able to walk and chew bubble gum at the same time can pull off a sweeping conspiracy with multiple actors and no one dropping a dime.  Delusional.

You watching the testimony online?

BTW, Biden did say they have the biggest election fraud org ever.

Spin Zone / Re: What Is The Proper Punishment For Election Stealing?
« on: December 03, 2020, 02:24:02 PM »
I asked a simple question. Who's been indicted, and who's in jail. 

Most of those alleging malfeasance do so anonymously, or won't come forward to support their allegations.  Most of the allegations that have bene substantiated are simply misunderstandings.  Like I said, Barr, with the weight of the Justice department and the FBI behind him, couldn't find any reasonable election fraud.  Barr, who set  out to find it because that's what his boss told him to do.

I doubt you'll even stop alleging this, no matter how many claims are debunked, no matter how many people fail to come up with any evidence.  I think the only way you'd stop believing it is if Trump himself denied it, and he won't.  But good news, he plans to run again in 2024.  Should be fun.

I haven’t heard a single anonymous allegation. The only ones I’ve heard gave their name and showed their face to millions at streamed hearings.

Barr isn’t finished investigating and has said so, in fact most of the evidence had not yet been turned over to him as of yesterday.

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