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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Love me some Boortz
« on: November 08, 2016, 05:10:22 AM »
Neal Boortz was a local talk show host in the Atlanta market and was also syndicated.  He retired about three years ago but stays active on Twitter.  He's been busy this morning.

Today millions of single (never married) mothers will vote to make someone else pay for their illegitimate children.

Today millions who vote will do so with only one goal; to get their hands in someone's else's pocket.

Today millions who pay nothing to cover the cost of government will vote on who runs it.  Nice.

Spin Zone / Re: Response to Paul Ryan Fundraiser
« on: October 15, 2016, 11:00:44 AM »
I disagree because the two aren't joined at the hip.
Paul Ryan has been a monumental failure at leading based on conservative principles.
What Donald Trump thinks or does has no bearing on what Paul Ryan did and does.
Don't try and use facts or logic with Jihad Jeff, he is so broken record on that I still have him on ignore as a total no-value-added waste of time and wouldn't have even seen what he said had you not quoted it - but I already knew what it would be anyway.

Conservatism is not on the Presidential ballot this year (or any year really but that is another story) - what is on the ballot this year is a continuation and expansion of the disastrous policies of the last 8 years, or something else. 

I only say 'something else' because the details are actually not that important - on any of the issues I could be a single issue voter on, Trump's official platform positions (and the history of his public life, on balance) far more closely align with my own than do Clinton's.  SCOTUS, Gun Control, Abortion, the Political-Media-Complex, Immigration, Trade, Radical Muslim Terrorism, the UN, the Republican Elite/Establishment, DC vs the rest of the country, the rigged system - I could go on but he is far closer to my own positions than Hillary could ever believably pretend to be.

Is he an ideal candidate, no - never said that.

Is he a rock-ribbed conservative, no - never said that.

Is he a paragon of moral virtue and propriety, no - never said that.

Borrowing from a good friend of mine, we are minimizing the election by calling this one a choice between 'the lesser of two evils' - simply put:
  • One is for the murder of unborn children one is not - that is not the lesser of two evils, that is for the greater good and is for me an easy choice.
  • One is for the elimination of the foundation of our Bill of Rights (2nd Amdt) and one is not - that is not the lesser of two evils, that is for the greater good and is for me an easy choice.
  • One is for appointing radical left wing idealogues to SCOTUS (and every other court in the land) and one is not - that is not the lesser of two evils, that is for the greater good and is for me an easy choice.
  • One is for allowing unvetted refugees from dangerous areas of the world (and anywhere else frankly) into our country without a single thought as how to support them and one is not - that is not the lesser of two evils, that is for the greater good and is for me an easy choice.
  • One refuses to name or even try to truly quantify the danger we face from Radical Islam and one is not - that is not the lesser of two evils, that is for the greater good and is for me an easy choice.


Spin Zone / Re: Deplorables and Rednecks
« on: October 12, 2016, 03:05:37 PM »
That's probably the Viagra. The guy probably had a port put in his vein to keep in a constant state of readiness.

Lol, I bet he only sees blue now.

 He gets 6 inches taller when he takes it. ;D

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is done
« on: October 08, 2016, 06:21:40 AM »

Donald Trump offered an apology to Americans early Saturday morning after comments he made in 2005 degrading women were made public.

"I've never said that I'm a perfect person, nor pretended to be someone that I'm not. I've said and done things I regret and the words released today on this more than a decade old video are one of them. Anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong and I apologize," Trump said.

"I've traveled the country talking about change for America but my travels have also changed me. I've spent time with grieving mothers who have spent lost their children, laid off workers whose jobs have gone to other countries and people from all walks of life who just want a better future. I have gotten to know the great people of our country and I've been humbled by the faith they've placed in me.

"I pledge to be a better man tomorrow and will never ever let you down. Let's be honest. We're living in the real world. This is nothing more than a distraction from the important issues we're facing today. We are losing our jobs, we're less safe than we were eight years ago and Washington is totally broken. Hillary Clinton and her kind have run our country into the ground. I've said some foolish things but there's a big difference between the words and actions of other people. Bill Clinton has actually abused women and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims. We will discuss this more in the coming days. See you at the debate on Sunday," Trump concluded.

 Trump has come out and apologized.   He has taken responsibility for his actions.

 And the Clintons?  Has Hillary apologized for her remarks calling Americans "deplorables" and bad mouthing the Sanders supporters?  Has Hillary apologized for lying to Americans about her role in Benghazi and letting Americans die for political expediency?  Has Hillary apologized for lying to Americans about her mishandling of information and how she and her staff destroyed evidence in a criminal investigation?   Has Hillary apologized for her treatment of the victims of Bill Clinton's rapes?  Has Hillary apologized to Monica Lewinsky for her remarks made about her?  Has Hillary apologized to the mothers of the Benghazi victims that she called liars and other cruel names?

 If you think things are bad now, with a rogue president and his party using the government and the media to accomplish their punishments of anyone daring to disagree or stand up to them, this should be a wake up call.  Once Hillary gets into office she will be BHO on steroids in using her position to punish anyone who dares hold her or her criminal foundation accountable.  You are witnessing the lengths the democrats and the media will go to destroy anyone who stands in their way.  They are desperate to hold and increase their power base.

Spin Zone / Re: The Revolution
« on: October 06, 2016, 04:51:07 PM »
 ;D ;D ;D

And so men and women "communicate."

Same thing happened to us at 10 years, with flying and the plane.

"But you never said you wanted to, and never talked about buying one."

Except I don't share the enthusiasm. I am a right seater only.

Spin Zone / Re: Obamacare Death Spiral
« on: September 29, 2016, 05:47:50 AM »
And how is anyone going to fix that?

What are the causes of high healthcare costs?

Notice I said "healthcare", not "health insurance."

My 12k doesn't include the cost of my insurance.  That's an additional $4,000 because my company pays most of my insurance cost.

Before you can fix it, you need to understand it.  Wanting to understand and not just jump straight to fixing is a major step forward.

Outsourcing is a/the major cause of cost.  Outsourcing creates many levels of companies in the ecosystem, every one of which needs to tack on their profit to the equation.  I once counted 18 levels of depth to a medical transaction.  If we say that each company was only looking for a 7% profit then the price goes up 337% in order to account for everyone's 7% profit.  And we know there are companies that are looking for much more than just 7%.

What causes outsourcing?  I can easily see 4 areas
1) billing requirements.  Medical billing is out of control with codes, procedures and data interfaces.  It's great for the IT industry, not so good for doctors and patients.
2) medicare/medicaid.  The government is limiting payments more than insurance companies do, so doctors have to make it up somewhere. 
3) Tort.  Malpractice insurance companies limit what a doctor can do so they must outsource even basic medical things.  And every time you outsource, you're adding not just the new company's profit, but their suppliers, IT systems and billing support companies' profit too.
4) Electronic record keeping - this falls under the "not a bad idea", but when made a requirement, it introduced another big cost to doctors. 

Let doctors practice medicine, not business, not defensive law and certainly not government interaction.

Spin Zone / Now, for something completely different
« on: September 25, 2016, 02:23:04 PM »
To go completely off on a tangent for this forum, today was a spectacular day to fly in southeastern PA.  So... the Quakertown Pilots Association marshaled it's resources and put together a flight of 5 planes to trek to the Sentimental Journey fundraising fly-in breakfast at Lock Haven PA.  Absolutely gorgeous, cool, CAVU and smooth air.  One of those days that once trimmed up the airplane just runs on rails and you can sit back and watch the scenery unfold.  A good turnout of planes and locals.

Overall a most excellent adventure.  We are so blessed to have the opportunity to be pilots.

That is all, y'all can now resume the usual partisan sniping!   ;)

Spin Zone / Re: Dead People Voting
« on: September 24, 2016, 05:09:23 PM »
He asked how voter ID prevents this fraud. Our voter rolls are a total clusterfuck. Time to change the system.

Because voter ID raises the bar on what is necessary to commit fraud.  Today, you need to memorize a name and address.  With voter ID, you need to synthesize enough identification to convince the Dept of Motor Vehicles (in NC) that you are who you say you are and that you're entitled to get an ID with your name on it.  That's a huge step up in protecting voting integrity.

It feels like Dems don't want voter ID because they're the ones doing the fraud. 

Spin Zone / Re: Less Than Two Months To Go
« on: September 20, 2016, 07:13:34 PM »
Bear in mind that my actual words were:
" may be entitled to at least a mild apology."

That was not exactly a demand for an abject apology and request for forgiveness.

But after months of being told that "but Hillary" is a lousy reason to vote for Trump, then finally he (and others) come around and say they "MAY" also vote for Trump, because he is not as bad as Hillary, then I at least expect some sort acknowledgement that I wasn't as stupid as they tried to make me feel.

And when I say "others", yes, I am including you.

I truly hope you're not holding your breath. 

You should understand that we all hit our conversion at different times.  My disgust for Clinton exceeded my disgust for Trump when she completely skated from any charges related to her complete disregard for the law in handling top secret materials.  And if that wasn't enough, that bitch's Basket of Deplorables comment spoke about people like me.  So fuck her, she's going down, even if it means living with Trump for 4 years. 

Spin Zone / Re: Let's just get this out onto the table
« on: September 18, 2016, 11:21:24 AM »
My point was that racism is being imputed for political gain upon those who are not racist (Islamaphobe, homophobe, on and on as per HRC's revealing yet typical quote). Such accusations are merely vote farming, as are many practices of the left.

It is a leftist strategy to pick out the most dysfunctional if not literally just AWFUL person they can find who holds an ideology the left wants to attack, be it religion, political party, gender, anything, and then hold that person or tiny group up as an example of the MAJORITY of that group. 

In the same convoluted way, as PaulS said in another post, they lift up and even reward those who make dysfunctional decisions.  I have also noted that the left tries to skew laws toward the few, bringing havoc and dysfunction upon the many!  In the name of compassion!  On and on we could go.  The left has created and is still creating a parasitic society that the producers ultimately cannot bear. 

All this and more is what I am tired of, and that is what I will not be silent about.

Here is Dr. Ben Carson's response to HRC:

“In a very telling moment, Hillary Clinton maligned me and millions of other Americans as racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic ‘deplorables."

“I’m so tired of this line of attack that normally taunts conservatives. Well, let me be very specific in my response. I believe in expanding opportunity, not welfare; that’s not racist."

“I believe every life is worth protecting, particularly the unborn; that doesn’t make me sexist."

“I believe marriage is between one man and one woman; that’s not homophobic."

“I believe in borders, the rule of law and our sovereign right to decide who to let into our country; that’s not xenophobic."

“I believe radical Islam is a mortal threat to America and Western civilization; that is common sense, not Islamophobia.”

You say my link is a rant against Obama.  It is not.  But he must take some responsibility for worsening race relations on his watch, promising much in that regard and delivering little.  Remember "all states should be purple?"  The vote farming continues.  "Are you Latino/Hispanic or non-Latino/Hispanic" is now firmly on medical forms, and my doctor says it does one thing only:  Gives more benefits to those who say that are Latino/Hispanic.  I declined to check those boxes and told the receptionist I thought we were supposed to have a colorblind society?  I can see "race," because it can affect medical decisions.  But not blatant vote farming. "Latino/Hispanic" is not a race.

Finally, from my link:

"And speaking of foreign lands, I've spent time abroad and speak Spanish and French and if Mr. Obama thinks the U.S. is a racist country, he ought to do a little bit of traveling not on Air Force One.  Try sitting at a French dinner table for twenty minutes and listening to the casual conversation if you think America is racist.

The truth is the USA is remarkably un-racist for a country its size.  We weren't always that way, obviously, but we walked the walk and we are now.  Or were.  The Democrat Party and its assorted media hacks are trying to take us backwards.  They suffer from nostalgia for racism for the glorious days when they could assert their moral superiority.  Sorry, those days are over.  The only way to stop remaining racism is to stop it, not talk about it, impute racism to people who don't have it and generally do everything possible to divide the American people from themselves.

And, Democrats, above all if you care about black people, stop it.  All you're doing is making their lives worse."

Spin Zone / Re: Has Diversity Broken all the access Barriers
« on: September 16, 2016, 10:13:21 AM »
It seems to have worked quite well in your own personal case.  As it has for many others.

Including the fact that Obama was elected, twice, in an overwhelmingly non-black country and has accomplished a very large percentage of his goals.  Without regard to the quality or desirability of those goals.
Obama has been very successful in accomplishing his goals.  All of them opposite to the well being, and prosperity of the United States.

Obamacare succeeded in giving 1/6th of the economy to further government control.  The Trillion dollar stimulus succeeded in rewarding his private and public sector unions for their election support.  He laughed when asked about the reality of those "shovel ready jobs" he promised.  He's succeeded in bring down our status and influence worldwide.  He's created open borders and an influx of Mexicans and who know else to vote Dem and change the nature of our country.  He's brought in Muslim refugees to create an Islamic state within the U.S.  He's gutted the military of competent senior officers replacing them with Dem political hacks.  And a multitude of other "successes".

The dilemma voters face is obvious.  Two bad candidates.  So I plan to vote for the person who will be the most fun to watch.  Like Scott Adams, I don't wish to "watch the Clintons decompose over the next eight years."  While we don't know for sure what Trump will, exactly, do, whatever he does will be infinitely more interesting than his opponent's tired and proven ineffective liberal policies. 

Spin Zone / Re: Well Regulated Militia Act of 2016?
« on: June 21, 2016, 10:11:23 AM »
So what did they mean when they mentioned a well regulated militia?

If you don't know how to answer that, then go ahead and dodge the question.

The People have a right to keep and bear (carry on their persons anywhere) arms.

A well regulated (ready and equipped) militia (a non-standing army made up of the People) being necessary (in the eyes of the Framers) to ensure a free state (not a "state" like New Jersey) requires that the People be armed and ready to serve at all times. Weaponry wasn't to be held and distributed by the Government.

Why anyone with average intelligence can't parse this sentence logically is beyond comprehension.

Pilot Zone / Re: Did TSA look into my laptop?
« on: May 25, 2016, 09:11:59 AM »
Hi Anthony!!   Yep we're doing great, had to move to Texas and sell the plane though.  So now I need to fly back to NC several times a year to take care of Mom so I too am having to adjust to commercial flying after only flying GA for most of the last 30 years. :(

Good to hear!  I am also plane less for now.  :(

Great to see you here.

Spin Zone / Re: Coping with Crazy
« on: May 17, 2016, 07:01:34 PM »
It was a good run for 200+ years but the end is in sight.  The only thing that will potentially save it is a revolution with the people taking the government back and starting over.  The fact that we have a President extorting states over who should use which bathroom should tell you all you need to know.

Very few politicians are not on the take at this point and there is no inclination to cut spending and reduce the debt.

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