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Messages - President in Exile YOLT

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This statement is uninformed BS. The effectiveness of the vaccine HAS been proven and is constantly being studied.

You serious Clark?

It takes YEARS to do clinical trials, and that's after YEARS of animal studies, which don't start until after the lab work has been done.

There it is.  If the government really cared about us they would put the vaccine in our drinking water.

Spin Zone / Re: I've never made a campaign donation to a politician
« on: August 05, 2021, 06:43:38 AM »
You're assuming Trump could get elected.  I mean, he couldn't beat one of the worst Democrat candidates since Walter Mondale.

And Trump isn't damaged so much by media attacks and by his own arrogance and stupidity.  if there was one decision that probably sidetracked everything, it was his decision to retain his twitter account.
Completely disagree. He used his tweets to keep in direct, unfiltered contact with us, which endeared him to us. Countless times I’d see or hear something in the news and go straight to him to see his take on it. And countless times he refuted the twisted leftist messages. He’s now on Gab, and coming forth with the same truths. Twitter took him out because his truth telling was destroying the leftist narrative. Especially the narrative about January 6, with his tweets saying we should remain peaceful and go home. The media baldly lied that he encouraged violence, and everyone could see that those real tweets destroyed that narrative. There are sites though, that have his tweets archived, so they’re still visible but only to those who look for them.

The same night, January 8, that Twitter took his account down they took down hundreds of other conservative accounts, and Facebook took down many accounts as well, including the powerfully leftist-damning Walkaway group, with over half a million stories of people leaving the Democratic Party.

We call January 8 and its censoring purge the Night of the Long Knives.

If Trump had been a veiled President who didn’t speak directly to us about anything but swam along with the cabal, he would not have had his landslide victory. We all knew the government wasn’t working for the people anymore. And the massive steal proves it.

Spin Zone / Re: I've never made a campaign donation to a politician
« on: August 05, 2021, 06:12:19 AM »
You're assuming Trump could get elected.  I mean, he couldn't beat one of the worst Democrat candidates since Walter Mondale.

Oh please. He won by a landslide.

And Trump isn't damaged so much by media attacks and by his own arrogance and stupidity.  if there was one decision that probably sidetracked everything, it was his decision to retain his twitter account.

Arrogant maybe, stupid? No. His twittering was part of his great appeal to many. He wasn't afraid to shine light on the corrupt elite ruling class, his overt vulgarity nothing compared to their duplicitous, narcissistic rotten souls.

Spin Zone / Re: I've never made a campaign donation to a politician
« on: August 05, 2021, 05:39:51 AM »
You're assuming Trump could get elected.  I mean, he couldn't beat one of the worst Democrat candidates since Walter Mondale.

And Trump isn't damaged so much by media attacks and by his own arrogance and stupidity.  if there was one decision that probably sidetracked everything, it was his decision to retain his twitter account.

Bullshit.  If the MEDIA didn't constantly repeat lies, make Trump's innocuous tweets seem like the end of the word and demonize him, then he would not be damaged nearly to this extent.  Propaganda is used because it WORKS. 

Spin Zone / 4 DC Officers Die by Suicide after 1/6/21
« on: August 03, 2021, 07:49:54 AM »
I didn’t know Hillary was involved in taking over the Capitol.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA thread about to be locked
« on: August 03, 2021, 04:28:43 AM »
well, some of the posters did go off the rails into personal attacks.

but the thread was on thin ice because most didn't suck up to the wisdom of government and the "voters"

Which one? The one about Ed? Hell, everyone knows Ed never gets laid, that ain't no secret!

Spin Zone / Re: First world problem
« on: July 31, 2021, 06:36:09 AM »
If I had precheck and my wife didn't, no way would I leave her to the TSA all alone.  I'd be there to help her with her bags, take care of any issues that might arise, and just enjoy being with her even though the situation was entirely unpleasant.  Traveling alone, sure.  I'd go through precheck.  But traveling with her, no.  We're in this together.  I'm certain she'd do the same for me.

Spin Zone / Re: New Covid Surge
« on: July 27, 2021, 01:37:15 PM »
Yet to see one person at Oshkosh wearing a mask. Hoping this means a flood of estate sale aircraft come on the market in a few months at must-sell prices. Hey, a fellow can dream.

Libertarians are heartless.

Spin Zone / Re: New Covid Surge
« on: July 22, 2021, 04:56:52 AM »
Our county hospital broke a record for Covid admissions on Tuesday.
Yesterday, they broke that record.

90% of admissions are from unvaccinated people.  They now have 79 admitted patients.  Twelve of them are on ventilators, which makes me think those cases are severe, as opposed to asymptomatic.

I read where one doctor said the last thing they often hear from patients prior to intubation is "Can I get the vaccine now", to which the doctor says "sorry, it's too late now".

I think this is good news.  I have often said most of our social problems are caused by too many people.  Darwin may prove to be our savior.

I thought that pilots had a better understanding of risk avoidance.   "Yeah, 600,000 people have died from the virus, but four people got blood clots from the vaccine" so I'll take my chance with the virus.

The above post reads REMARKABLY like it was lifted and from some rag and re-posted here as if it were your actual experience.

IIRC that is exactly what scads of liberals do...

steingar comes to mind, as does the lame stream, pussy, sheep, media, school teachers, all ruled by their masters in the CCP.

Spin Zone / Re: Six Months in to the new administration
« on: July 22, 2021, 04:43:23 AM »
I am not saying for others to sell stocks, just what I tend to do.  However, I am more concerned with CAPITAL PRESERVATION the older I get and I'm 62.

What happens to Interest Rates when we get hyper inflation which the Fed is just starting to acknowledge?  What happens to stock valuations when interest rates rise, and/or rise too fast?

It's really all up to the Fed. As long as it costs nearly nothing to borrow money, the stock market is the only place to go to get reasonable return. If the Fed ever starts increasing interest rates, we will then see some people pull from the market.

Spin Zone / Re: New Covid Surge
« on: July 22, 2021, 04:37:48 AM »
I've seen the same tripe, but it comes from the sympathetic media. Therefore, I consider it to be 99.99% bullshit.

Spin Zone / Re: Censorship
« on: July 21, 2021, 03:00:25 PM »
Yep. Ironic. The lefties have become the exact far right fascists they claim to oppose.

Whatever the communist left accuses others of doing, they are doing.

Spin Zone / Re: Censorship
« on: July 19, 2021, 05:36:09 AM »
John fucking Gill.

Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: June 30, 2021, 08:53:15 AM »
I fucking hate how media no longer puts a date on their fucking datelines. And this is AP for God’s sake.

You notice that too?  Dates are missing on tons of online articles. Also it drives me crazy when local news media doesn’t say on the page where in the hell they are. They might say “Jefferson County”, do you know how many Jefferson Counties there are in the US?  Or they just say what town it is like I know where every town in the country is located. Lots of company websites as well as local governments do this same thing.

I swear sometimes I think people don’t grasp the concept of the internet. It’s not just your local neighbors seeing your page.

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