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Messages - President in Exile YOLT

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Spin Zone / Re: what's the goalpost now?
« on: August 20, 2021, 12:57:33 PM »
oh, I understand what rights were violated.  I don't understand why the courts have such a cranium/rectal inversion.
Because Orange Man bad. Duh.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Sold Out America----to try to get more votes
« on: August 18, 2021, 10:34:24 AM »
Rember when Trump said he was smarter than all the generals? Aftet seeing this shit show, he may have been right.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Sold Out America----to try to get more votes
« on: August 18, 2021, 07:53:28 AM »
This one is on Biden.  That said, there was no way out withdrawal wasn't going to be pandemonium, and yes we should have done it far sooner.  Obama should have done it.  Trump should have done it.  The one thing I would like to have seen would have been us quietly spiriting out our allies (all those guys who helped us over the years) before the collapse.

I can only hope that 20 years out of power has tempered the Taliban some.  It sounds like it might have, I think they've realized that they really can't be a pariah state.  Might curb some of their worst instincts.  Might not.

Oh, they emptied all the jails.  Some of those guys were Taliban fighters.  Some of them were criminals, murderers and thieves and whatnot.  Way to go Taliban!  Afghanistan is their mess now.  Good fucking riddance.
You would have thought that the Army War College, West Point, the US Air Force Academy, and the Naval Academy might have had a text book or history book describing how a withdrawal should happen; perhaps one they had a picture of the helicopter on the roof of the US Embassy in Saigon, for example.

You would have thought one or more of those generals or admirals would have pulled those old dusty text books and binders off their shelf and looked at them over the last 20 years.

You would have thought one of those generals or admirals would have advised their superiors in their chain of command to say, “Hey, just FYI, pulling the military out without getting Americans out and without withdrawing our weapons and assets may not be a good thing to do.”

You would have thought one of those superiors would have gone to the SecDef to advise him and the president of the same.

You would have thought.

Spin Zone / Re: Afghanistan defeat
« on: August 18, 2021, 04:32:59 AM »
It's time to remove Biden. The dems would already have articles of impeachment written if it was Trump.

Spin Zone / Re: Why I’m not getting the vaccine
« on: August 13, 2021, 04:28:44 PM »

Any mutation that would get away from vaccines would get away from a non vaccinated person too. The virus is much more likely to mutate in a non vaccinated person.  Someone who is vaccinated, either because the antibodies were produced as a response to a real virus, an attenuated one, or by mRNA message has the same antibodies produced. If viruses mutated and evaded antibodies to become more deadly, the human race would have died out long, long ago.

Antibodies kill the virus in vaccinated people. Period. While it’s true that everyone can carry the virus around, people who are vaccinated by any means don’t produce mutations, the virus gets killed.

Wow. So video interviews with and papers written by at least four doctors, posted earlier in this thread, are all bogus and incorrect. And Dr. Robert Malone, who invented the mRNA “vaccine,” doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Got it.

Spin Zone / Re: Why I’m not getting the vaccine
« on: August 13, 2021, 01:38:22 AM »
I had the pleasure of meeting bflynn at this year’s Oshkosh. I happen to agree with him that vaccinated people are not to blame for any further viral mutations.

I guess that means the science is settled.....

Spin Zone / Re: Why I’m not getting the vaccine
« on: August 12, 2021, 06:52:18 PM »
Exactly, and the idiots on Los Angeles are mandating it now to get into certain public places. They’re even comparing it to polio and smallpox. It’s insanity. This virus will only become less deadly and move into the cold/flu category when the “vaccinations” STOP.

It is truly madness, I feel like I’ve slipped into an alternate dimension. I can hardly believe what is happening.

Spin Zone / Re: COVID: 3 more today, that makes 7 this week
« on: August 11, 2021, 06:23:40 PM »
That’s insane.  It’s NOT approved for children under 12, correct? But it’s okay for a fetus??

It was NEVER about medicine.
It has only ever been about seizing control.

Spin Zone / Re: COVID: 3 more today, that makes 7 this week
« on: August 11, 2021, 03:02:36 PM »
True, but if you post COVID numbers that are bad, people here  just say they don't believe them,

I don't care if anyone else on this board takes this as seriously as I do.  I have seen the pain, misery and death this causes up close and personally.  I believe what I see.

And as for your numbers, 500,000 hospitalized from flu.  600,000 died from Covid.

34,000 vs 600,000 dead is a big difference.  Of course, people on this board think a handful of vaccine reactions is reason to avoid a disease that kills many many more than that.

It's not just the vaccine ramifications.  It is the lockdowns and destruction of many small businesses and lives.  It is government control and oppression and the propaganda to brainwash the masses.  If your at risk quarantine and take precautions.  You don't have to destroy normal people's lives for an infinitesimally small percentage of the population.  It is totally unnecessary. 

Spin Zone / Re: COVID: 3 more today, that makes 7 this week
« on: August 11, 2021, 02:29:56 PM »
Again, anyone who believes the fedgov or the DCP actually gives a shit about covid just look at the southern border.  Tells you all you need to know.

 20%+ coming in are covid, and the US fedgov is busing and flying them all over the country.  People sick with covid are being placed on airliners with healthy people.   People sick with covid are being dumped into unsuspecting communities.

 Xiden wants travelers flying into the US to have vaccine papers, but unknown individuals can walk across our southern border with no identification and no proof of vaccine.   How fuckin' moronic.
I know this is a wild conspiracy theory, and I haven’t talked to Alex Jones about it yet, but wouldn’t it be unbelievable if Biden purposefully shipped illegal immigrants, including those with Covid, to primarily red states, so their governors get the blame for a rise in Covid cases? 

Phew. I’m sure glad I’m not a conspiracy theorist. That’s CRAZY TALK.

Spin Zone / Re: COVID: 3 more today, that makes 7 this week
« on: August 11, 2021, 10:46:10 AM »
Cases are meaningless, except to drive fear in the media.  And as you mentioned, case numbers are being manipulated.
Especially when "case" is undefined.  Someone infected with covid may have symptoms ranging from nothing (asymptomatic) to dead.  Even dead is undefined as as we have dead with covid vs dead from covid.  Is a case a positive covid test?  That can be difficult as a positive test may be caused by a vaccine or a prior infection.  If it's a positive test from a prior infection is that another case?  It's easy to drive fear when your data is undefined.

Spin Zone / Re: COVID: 3 more today, that makes 7 this week
« on: August 10, 2021, 09:04:21 AM »
I’d have questioned the existence of a lifelong smoker who made it to 92 except my friend’s father-in-law is just that, and is 91. Refuses to quit because he “enjoys it” and keeps thinking he only has a short time left anyway, probably. He’s even riddled by diabetes and its many effects.

 George Burns smoked cigars all the way to the end.

 When asked if his doctor said anything about his smoking, Burns replied "I don't know, he's dead".

Spin Zone / Re: Infrastructure Scam
« on: August 09, 2021, 05:28:36 PM »
Reminds me of the ethanol in the gas scam.  To save the planet, you know.

Spin Zone / Re: Infrastructure Scam
« on: August 09, 2021, 05:09:04 PM »
Yes, everything you buy came by truck.  But, everything you buy includes a transportation cost.  That transportation cost is what helps pay for the roads.  So you are paying your share even if you don't drive.

The current alternative to user fees on a per mile basis is a user fee in the form of a fuel tax on a per gallon basis. unless you drive an electric vehicle, and that is the problem that needs to be fixed.  I want to buy an electric car, but that shouldn't mean I no longer have to pay for the roads because I don't buy gasoline.  Most lawn mower usage is insignificant.  Is a gas tax better than a per mile tax?

Stan's point about the government tracking WHERE you drive is valid.  If they do that, I protest.

So what else is it that is really objectionable here?

What's objectionable is the totalitarian Government/Corporate Cabal forcing electric vehicles on people.  They are inferior in capability.  All for greed, profit, power, and control.  You don't see that?  It's not about man made climate change  nor the environment.   Buy a hybrid or economical ICE vehicle if you want to save money.

Spin Zone / Re: Living in the new Tyranny
« on: August 09, 2021, 02:30:20 PM »
Someone on Twitter put something about there being some provision for martial law in the infrastructure bill. A quick search did not turm up anything. Anyone else care to try?

They have to pass it before you can see what's in it.

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