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Messages - Mase

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Spin Zone / Re: Happy Independence Day
« on: July 04, 2016, 07:24:22 AM »

Yes, my progenitors came with nothing from persecution in Europe and deduct fine here.  But they didn't have the stigma faced by those of African ancestry.  No one could look at my ancestors and tell they were Jewish.

Jaybird has a point.  As resources continue the inexorable redistribution toward the top the folks at the bottom feel more and more disenfranchised.  Lots of people haven't had a raise in real terms since the 1980s.  If people decide that they're governments are unresponsive and the game's rigged, the pitchforks will come out.  There are hundreds of millions of firearms in this country.  It could get really, really bad.  It has before.
Bullshit. "Resources," using the coded term used by you and JB, are not a zero sum game. That's the class warfare bullshit being driven by leftists wishing to divide the country along racial and economic lines, and anyone who furthers that lie will be complicit in the results of social unrest.

Finish high school, go to college or junior college, don't do drugs, don't join a gang, dont commit crimes, don't have a child out of wedlock, and the "resources" available for your exploitation are limitless, regardless of your skin color.

Fail any of those things, and the results are on you, not me.

I am at my station in life because I am a statistical anomaly, meaning I slipped through the cracks - a crack that may close at any time.  That's what you don't, can't and won't understand - there's more to it than being industrious - we have been that.

What we need is for men of conscience to stop giving license to men of evil who play games of "hide the resources".  Everytime we uncover one, apologists (like Stan) come along and try to excuse it away, while he rides away haughtily "refusing  to apologize for his White Privilege" in a country that my fore-parents built and one that I continue support every day.

One day you gon' realize that IF Black people all in solidarity one day just said "Fuck it!" that America wouldn't be able to hold up her panties anymore and we could force the economic tables to turn - because that's really what its been all about, use and control of resources.

Screw yourself, JB.  My grandparents came from Poland and Lithuania in the early 1900s. My great greatgrandmother was taken away to Siberia by the Russians and was never seen again.  They all came to America not knowing much English, which was a trigger for cruel treatment by some. 

My Lithuanian grandfather became a share crop farmer in Illinois, and also worked at a factory that manufactured school desks.  He was a welder.  My Polish grandfather sold caskets, and eventually partnered with other immigrants to found a savings and loan association in Chicago in 1920.  When I worked there in the summers while in college, I found old ledger books from that era - all written in Polish.

My Wife's ancestors had similar experiences, from Irish coal miners in Scranton PA to Polish photo engravers in Detroit.

My point is, everyone has a history, and it's not always pretty.  But my relatives worked hard to make their kids' lives, just as they worked to make my life better, and I work to make my kid's life better. 

Am I white?  Yes.  Do I owe ANYONE an apology for it?  Fuck no. 

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Shatters Republican Primary Vote Total
« on: June 28, 2016, 07:34:35 AM »
Liberalism is a mental disorder
Liberalism is for those that think human nature can be legislated.

Spin Zone / Re: Science!!
« on: June 28, 2016, 06:45:42 AM »
Lots of data.  The challenging is making a model that will extrapolate correctly. to get the pre-determined result
Fixed that for you.

Spin Zone / Re: The Orlando Terrorist's Wife.......
« on: June 27, 2016, 10:36:43 AM »
Check the Lincoln Bedroom.

Spin Zone / Re: Fact Checking Fail
« on: June 26, 2016, 01:26:26 PM »
Barbara Bush has class. 

Hillary is a low life lying and conniving bitch. 

Big difference.

Spin Zone / Re: Change of Pace - BrExit...what do you think
« on: June 24, 2016, 11:20:33 AM »
Umm... that's kinda dumb. You did vote for some kind of creature that either does, or does not go along with the usual suspects. The person you voted for may not have won (mine never, ever does) but your state and your district is represented. If it's not going the way you want, you have to convince your neighbors and others in your district to come around to your position.

I can't influence people in San Franpsycho or other places in the land of fruits and nuts or similar high population Demo enclaves, but I have to live with their values.

Spin Zone / Re: Change of Pace - BrExit...what do you think
« on: June 24, 2016, 07:39:49 AM »
This isn't so much nationalism as it is a stand against central control by far away unaccounted bureaucrats.

Sort of like what we have with DC agencies telling people in a far corner of Wyoming what they are allowed to do and making them pay for it as further insult.

Spin Zone / Clocks
« on: June 17, 2016, 08:57:19 AM »
(stolen from the interweb...)

A man died and went to Heaven. As he stood in front of the Pearly Gates, he
saw a huge wall of clocks behind him.

He asked, 'What are all those clocks?'

St. Peter answered, 'Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone who has ever been on
earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie, the hands on your clock move.'

'Oh', said the man. 'Whose clock is that?'

'That's Mother Teresa's', replied St. Peter. 'The hands have never moved,
indicating that she never told a lie.

'Incredible', said the man. 'And whose clock is that one?'

St. Peter responded, 'That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have moved
twice, telling us that Abraham told only two lies in his entire life.'

'Where's Hillary Clinton's clock?' asked the man.

St. Peter replied, 'Jesus has it in his office. He uses it as a ceiling

Spin Zone / Re: Fifty killed in gun-free zone
« on: June 15, 2016, 04:01:54 PM »
Trump's reaction is predictable but very, very wrong.  Less wrong than Hillary or others, but wrong nonetheless.  I accept that as part and parcel of what I like about him overall, he speaks his mind, but it is occasionally troubling, and in this case specifically I disagree with him on anything other than the immigration component.

SHALL NOT BE FUCKING INFRINGED, it is really simple.

The issue is who pulls the trigger - We stopped immigration from WWI through WWII, we interned the Japanese during WWII (I support this although I agree it was ugly), Carter kicked Shia students out of the US during the hostage crisis and stopped all immigration from Iran (what religion were those guys....).

As a sovereign nation we have every right to control immigration, and our constitution and bill of rights expressly guarantee us the right to self defense without infringement, this is important because the police and other LEO's have no obligation to the individual.

If anyone in that free-fire zone had been armed this might have ended completely different and with far less suffering and death.


Spin Zone / Re: Reasons to Vote for Trump
« on: June 15, 2016, 07:09:40 AM »
The only buildings he built for which I've seen any accounting were the casinos in Atlantic city.  And in fact he stiffed most of the guys who did the building for him in bankruptcy.  Drove most of them out of business.

 I guess this website is a hoax then by liberal standards:

 I find it amazing liberals attack Trump's wealth, which was created by capitalism that creates jobs for thousands and contributes to the US tax base, but in turn they don't acknowledge Hillary Clinton's wealth ($200+million) that was created by the Clinton Foundation which provides but for a very few and derives it's money from companies and countries intent on buying influence.

 The liberals also won't acknowledge that if the Clinton Foundation gets a donation of $1 million say for Haitian Relief that approximately 6% of that money goes for relief while the 94% goes to the Clinton Foundation for "administrative fees".   So for the math challenged that means $60,000 to Haitian Relief and $940,000 to the Clintons.

 And speaking of the Clinton Foundation, isn't it amazing that Hillary says she is a proponent of women's rights while accepting millions of dollars from countries that openly deny women's rights?  And those countries also take a dim view of gays as well, even going as far as having them sentenced to death.

Spin Zone / Re: Reasons to Vote for Trump
« on: June 14, 2016, 05:56:02 AM »
Please tell me all about them.  And tell me how much he made vs. how much he inherited.  Oh, that's right, you can't.  You don't have any access to anything other than his ramblings because he's the only presidential candidate in recent history to not release tax returns.

The Trump Organization has 515 subsidiaries. Are you trying to imply that all of that was inherited and that Donald Trump was not responsible for any growth of the organization?

 It's not difficult to spend a bit of time researching the various business subsidiaries and see the numbers on them, but that would detract from your liberal mindset and talking points.

 So back to your two heroes, Obama and Clinton.   Tell us about Obama's involvement in private industry that makes him knowledgeable on how a business works?  Which companies did Obama oversee, produce a budget, hire people and make a payroll for?   Or even, other than being a "community organizer", what has he actually done outside of politics?   What, you say he wrote 2 books about himself?   Gee, forensic analyst have determined he didn't even write those books himself but used a ghost writer instead (a guy named Bill Ayers, but that's another story).   Oh, you say Obama taught constitutional law and said he was a law professor.  But the University of Chicago said he was only a lecturer and was never a professor.

 What about Obama's time in the legislature? You know, where the majority of his votes were "present" and he never introduced any legislation?  No accomplishments either.   And then we have his lackluster time in the US Senate, again a huge nothing, nothing notable.

 Now let's get to Hillary Clinton, as Obama said was the "most qualified to be president".   Let's see, here we have a lawyer who got fired from the watergate committee for ethics, then goes on to be First Lady with Bill Clinton where she proclaimed that she was a "co-president" in his administration although no position ever existed.  Her Hillary Care flopped big time, she was embroiled in multiple scandals and we even got to watch her husband get impeached. Then she carpetbags herself to NY to get a Senate seat only to do as her protege Obama and accomplish nothing. Oh wait, she did vote to support the Iraq invasion to the joy of the liberals.   Then we watched her failed presidential bid in 08 in which she excoriated Obama at every turn labeling him as incompetent (talk about kettle calling the pot black) only to worm herself in as Secretary of State, a job in which she failed miserably and accelerated the destabilation of the Middle East. Not to mention sacrificing American lives to protect her political agenda.

 And she has made history, not by being the first woman to gain her parties nomination for president, but for being under investigation for criminal conduct while running for the office of president. Now that is quite the achievement.


Spin Zone / Re: Reasons to Vote for Trump
« on: June 14, 2016, 05:53:37 AM »
Why is Trump's financial status so important while you liberals give Hillary a pass on all the money she has accumulated ILLEGALLY.  Did Trump take donations from enemy foreign countries and banks to undermine America?

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