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Messages - President in Exile YOLT

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Spin Zone / Re: What is the End Game?
« on: October 11, 2021, 12:09:11 PM »
I think the end game is going to be we just all live with it.  Some vaccinated people will get really sick, some unvaccinated will die, but we aren't ever going to make this go away.

   None of this has anything to do with a virus or health care.  Nothing.

Spin Zone / Re: C-19 No More Dangerous Than Seasonal Flu
« on: October 09, 2021, 12:07:48 PM »
The Spanish flu killed in the numbers seen for C19. Actually it killed far more, since the population was far smaller back then. But for any flu since, find me a year where 700,000 died of it.

zero.  None.

The measles et al vaccines quickly eradicated those diseases while the Covid vaccine has eradicated nothing.

 But the covid vaccines do offer full immunity.............

 for the government and the manufacturer from any and all liability.

  Let that sink in for a few.

Steingar, my comment is simply this.

You get a polio vaccine, and one does not get the polio virus

You get a Rubella, Measles, Pertussis, mumps vaccine, and you don't get these diseases

You get a Covid vaccine, and you maybe do or maybe don't get the disease, and it's maybe minor or maybe serious. WFT?

Spin Zone / Re: The Oncoming Shortages
« on: October 06, 2021, 02:21:33 PM »
What? That should be against fire codes. That’s literal imprisonment.

 It's not the US.   And yes, several countries are doing this.

  Again, this has nothing to do with health or a virus.

That's extrapolation based on early death rates of already sick and elderly patients sent to die unprotected by governors of your Party.

Didn't happen in Sweden.

What a crock of convenient shit steingar is peddling.

I remember hospitals laying off nurses due to how few patients there were to treat and a hospital ship with 20 patients in any, where the disgraced governor claimed there were no respirators to go around, but the 8000 sent by PRESIDENT Trump were unused because there was no demand for them.

I also remember hospitals being monetarily incentivized to put patients on respirators to collect the payment (bribe) thus keeping the scamdemic narrative alive.

The. There were the pathetic sob stories told of patients on their COVID death beds wishing they got the jab.

It all combined into a great lie told to hijack the election by allowing crooks (democrat communists) to steal elections thru mail in balloting.

Every claim doctor quackenheimer steingar makes is a carefully worded lie.

If we did #3 March 2020, this would all be behinds us and most of the population would be immune. Naturally.
As we have done for every disease outbreak in recorded history.

One might wonder why then we do  not mandate everyone get a flu shot. I guess the number of deaths from the flu each year is acceptable.  What is a good rule of thumb for acceptable levels of death? 

What happened to "two weeks to flatten the curve"? Remember, way back in 2020? No one was "vaccinated" back then.

What happened was, they saw the potential for catastrophic economic damage from shutdowns and began a coordinated conspiracy (their word in their published confession on to use the shutdowns to get rid of Trump.

Since then they continue the panic porn and shutdowns because they see how much money and power it brings the elite, and how it destroys the one class that threatens their supremacy: the middle class. Plus it helps them double down on divisive hatred between right and left common people to prevent the populist deplorables and the anti-oligarch leftists from joining forces against the centralized government/monopolistic capitalist power structure.

Fueling hatred by the vaccinated against the unvaccinated is just one example of this.

700,000 people in the US have died from with COVID.

  Understand the distinction. 

  And yes, there have been some vaccinated folks who got it from the virus.  It isn't perfect.  But still, the vast majority of deaths since the appearance of the vaccines has been the unvaccinated.

  You and I don't know the actual numbers, no one does because those keeping the numbers are obfuscating the data to steer a narrative.

Its to keep you out of the hospital so we don't swamp our medical system with COVID patients.  It pretty much worked too, had vaccines not reached the penetrance they did we'd have "death panels" everywhere as doctors figured out who bet to treat with limited beds and resources.  Had everyone been vaccinated there'd have been no surge.
Ah, so the vaccine is there to protect hospitals, not people.  Masks are to protect hospitals, not people.  Hospitals are firing unvaccinated health care workers to protect hospitals, not people.  Makes a lot of sense.

Spin Zone / Re: The Oncoming Shortages
« on: October 04, 2021, 02:11:53 PM »
Sounds like a good time to fire everybody that won’t get a vaccination.

 Nothing going on for the past two years was accidental, or just happened.

Pilot Zone / Re: What's the cool thing you found today?
« on: October 01, 2021, 06:35:55 AM »
Uh oh. We better regulate 3D printing or else manufacturing might start to go back to individual entrepreneurs and we can’t have that. We need to make sure a new middle class doesn’t arise. Manufacturing must remain in control of rich corporations that farm the jobs out overseas. We better create a new federal agency to get on this ASAP.

Spin Zone / Re: Chinese Defector: COVID INTENTIONALLY Released
« on: September 24, 2021, 01:17:14 PM »
The election.
I thought that was evident to everyone. Or should be.

Of course the same people believe the same guy that didn’t campaign, didn’t give speeches, didn’t really run, can’t complete a cogent sentence, and has handlers to tell him which way to turn in the rose garden is the same guy who got the most legitimate votes for any president, ever.

Spin Zone / Re: Chinese Defector: COVID INTENTIONALLY Released
« on: September 24, 2021, 08:36:43 AM »
There's also no corroboration to his story.  I see no reason to believe him.

Occom's razor still points me at an accidental release.  It doesn't require a devious plot to destroy the world, it doesn't require outlandish scenarios or nefarious motives.  Someone slipped and infected themselves.  They carried the virus out to the world and stopped by the market to buy some fish for dinner.  From there, the virus spread.

The fact that China won't let anyone else in that lab practically screams that they're hiding something there.

If it was accidental, it sure was a convenient time to have an accident. Just sayin...

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