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Messages - Mase

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Spin Zone / Re: Castile Stop: Other Side Of The Story
« on: July 21, 2016, 08:42:21 AM »
Because I've also made my share of mistakes and others paid a heavier price than I. Yes, I worked hard and found a way to keep going but I also had 2 hidden hands working in my favor, Grace and Mercy.

If you attribute the Grace and Mercy to the divine, then so, too, do others have those in their favor. You succeeded in life primarily because of you. So, too, do we all sink or swim primarily by our own merits. Yes, we have some luck and we have some help. But then again, we reach within ourselves for the strength to take advantage of that help.

It's not God, or Farrakhan, or luck. It's you, taking knowledge and experience and having the wherewithal to turn that into success.

Spin Zone / Re: Another Baltimore Cop Acquitted
« on: July 21, 2016, 08:03:24 AM »
I believe both were passed after the tenure of Ms. Clinton.


you ARE joking, right?

Spin Zone / Re: GOP Convention Opens In Cleveland
« on: July 20, 2016, 03:07:36 PM »
The speechwriter is a real person, and a long time employee, who has apparently helped ghostwrite one or more of Trump's books - she has apologized and offered to resign, resignation refused by the family - her 'splanation (taking notes with Melania providing excerpts of speeches/statements) makes sense, at least to me, and her apology seems heartfelt.

I know it won't matter to hard core Dem's or NeverTrump folks but there it is.

FWIW, these kinds of spouses speeches usually sound about the same anyway - go ahead and describe the sky without using 'up above', 'blue', 'clouds', after all someone else probably already used those words you dirty no good

People die in Benghazi and 30,000 e-mails deleted on her word they weren't important, no big deal; failed reset with Russia and chaos across the tinderbox that was the Middle East, no problem; Iran getting Nukes, who cares; evidence of criminal wrongdoing discovered by the FBI and Department of State that would put anyone else into serious hotwater but she skates; no Hillary is OK - a Nominee's wife gives a speech with some of the same words and feelings of another nominee's wife, yuuuuge issue.  Right.


Spin Zone / Re: Secret Ballot @ Convention
« on: July 16, 2016, 08:27:47 AM »
The recent polling shows that Trump has a little over 80% of the Republican base locked up, with a 5% defection rate to Hillary.  Hillary on the other hand is at under 80% with the Democrat base, and is seeing 12-15% defection to Trump.

I suspect that does not yet reflect the result of the Sandersnistas feeling a deep betrayal/disillusionment with the Bernster endorsing Hillary - even after gaining some concessions in the platform.  The current defections are most likely, I think, Dem's of principles who just can't deal with the non-stop flow of scandals Hillary has going.

Both Trump and Sanders were beneficiaries of true, groundswell movements, and while both were in part a reaction to the mismanagement of their respective party, in the Bernster's case it was also a truly political movement (a mini socialist revolution truth be told) - people who commit to a movement like that might have a hard time switching to an overstuffed bloviating pantsuit that has been running one step ahead of sure prosecution for nigh on 4 decades.

I predict that the confluence of BLM and their recent turn towards outright violence, and the surprising success and outrageous impacts of the radical agenda of the current administration, coupled with instability around the world and the threat of radical islamic terrorism and a laser focus on the corruption and scandal of the Clinton Family Crime Foundation will ultimately put Trump in the White House, but only if real voters can overcome the margin of cheating.


Spin Zone / Re: Bush Speaks in Dallas
« on: July 15, 2016, 04:08:58 PM »
I really don't understand all these complaints about the Obominator, other than the fact that the only thing that could possibly come out of his mouth that would make you guys happy are "I resign".  The only thing he could do is die.

But thinking about the event, what do you guys think he should have done?  Just not shown up?  The POTUS is supposed to not show up to one of the worst tragedies in US history.  Right.
So he shows up.  Whats he supposed to do, just keep his yap shut?  He's the POTUS for Odin's sake!
So he speaks.  What's he supposed to say?  Lionize the officers, check.  Talk about the problems we've been experiencing between officers and civilians.  Check.  Talk about how we have to keep things in balance. Presidential.

Like I said, he'd have to disappear through a hole to the 8th dimension and take Joe with him before you guys would be happy.

first:  obama shouldn't lie

second:  obama should keep politics out of a memorial service.

why is that so hard for you to understand?

Spin Zone / Re: Castile Stop: Other Side Of The Story
« on: July 15, 2016, 12:26:58 PM »
You underestimate the degree to which the mindset of White Supremacy has infected society and the world.

What do you mean by White Supremacy?  Most of us go through our day without thinking about the color of our skin or that of anyone else's. 

The whole racism thing is a bit of a misnomer in my mind.  Humans are still fundamentally tribal.  Until we can have an honest conversation about that, then groups will keep fighting with other groups.  Which side has the White Supremacy thing happening when Irish Protestants are killing Irish Catholics?  How about the Japanese?  They think they are better than everyone.  Is that White Supremacy?  Where was the White Supremacy when the Hutus were slaughtering the Tutsis in Rwanda?  In generations past in this country, WASP's looked down on Jews, Catholics, Irish, Italians, etc.

The problem with putting everything in the context of skin tone is that is doesn't get to the heart of the issue and perpetuates an excuse for the poor to stay poor and justify taking the handouts as something owed.  In our society, we have at least gotten as far as any from a rigid class structure.  Here, money rules and there are opportunities for all to get some.  Admittedly, some have to work harder than others, but if you are completely trapped in our society, then the chains are those they have put there themselves.

The opinions expressed here are of the commentator alone and do not necessary reflect those of this forum's management or staff, or in fact, most of the human race.  :)

Pilot Zone / Re: So, Who's Going to Oshkosh?
« on: July 14, 2016, 08:54:30 PM »
The forecast is for hot and fun.  I'll save you a beer.

Spin Zone / To Lucifer and Unit7:
« on: July 14, 2016, 07:22:11 AM »
How old are you two?  I'm guessing around 15.

Spin Zone / Re: Slain Dallas Cop: A White Supremacist?
« on: July 13, 2016, 12:22:10 PM »
I despise the fact that Mjölnir, hammer of the mighty Thor, Odinson, is used by these creeps.  These guys feature pretty heavily in the pantheon of Steingar.
Whether the guy was a flower child or a Nazi, he was killed doing his duty to protect those folks. Makes him a hero in the book of Steingar, Odin be praised.

You guys are really destroying JB's racial whining arguments. In fact he was upset that we didn't ask him how he was doing after one of these shootings, and why we didn't provide him a safe space.
I am honestly so tired of the racial divisiveness, especially when so much of it is a lie.  Hands-up don't shoot NEVER FUCKING HAPPENED, it was a lie, a bald-faced lie. 

The political prosecution/persecution of the Freddie Gray cops was a racially motivated circus, Mosby should be impeached and disbarred.

If the system was even remotely as biased as it is misrepresented as being there would be no prosecutions, we'd never hear about it, and yet we do in fact hear about it on the limited times when it happens, and that is because the system largely works.

Don't want to get shot by police?  Don't break the fucking the law, don't fucking resist arrest, don't fucking cop an attitude, don't fucking run, in short, don't be fucking stupid.

Blacks are not the only ones who tell their kids to obey the law and to be respectful if stopped by the police, every fucking good parent regardless of color gives the same fucking advice.  I gave that advice to my daughter as soon as she was old enough to start hanging out with friends who could drive.

I truly pity people for whom skin color is the only or primary filter for their view of life, it is so incredibly limiting and dis-empowering.  Same goes for LGBTQ or other 'identity' politics groups/victims.


Spin Zone / The Take No Shit Party: Make America Badass Again
« on: July 12, 2016, 07:55:31 PM »
I'm in.

Spin Zone / Re: Bush Speaks in Dallas
« on: July 12, 2016, 07:04:59 PM »
Somehow Obama couldn't figure out he was speaking at a MEMORIAL service.  There are times when you just leave the political shit at home.

Spin Zone / Re: Castile Stop: Other Side Of The Story
« on: July 12, 2016, 12:21:41 PM »
Wow Kristin.  We're two peas in a pod now.  He said the same about me.
 ;D ;D ;D

Spin Zone / Disney is Anti-Semitic!
« on: July 07, 2016, 07:10:39 AM »
OMG!!!!   Disney is anti-Semitic!!!!

How dare they!!!!   What's the hidden meaning in this???

Spin Zone / Re: Happy Independence Day
« on: July 04, 2016, 08:32:03 AM »
Happy Independence Day to all my friends here at Pilot Spin, including Jason who is, still, The Man for putting this community together.

That includes you pilots, right seaters, academics, liberals, Trumpkins , veterans, conservatives, Canadians who are soon to be US citizens as soon as they stop spelling things like "colour," libertarians, Constitutionalists, and other assorted Americans.

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