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Messages - President in Exile YOLT

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Spin Zone / Re: Rittenhouse shoots Dirtbags
« on: November 15, 2021, 04:33:00 PM »


Looks like he’s muzzle sweeping people with his finger on the trigger. “But it’s not loaded”

Man o man.

Spin Zone / Re: Infighting within the White House
« on: November 15, 2021, 09:55:03 AM »
Fuck 'em.

Question is, what will be the fallout of the palace intrigue on the rest of us? Also, with the country's "leadership" in disarray, what will the Chinese and Russians do? Can't imagine them just sitting back and watching it all unfold.

Agreed, but I’m starting to agree with this guy, do not become complacent! Do not be discouraged! Keep up the grassroots pressure!  Things like the Durr win are very telling, the Democrats are far weaker than they want us to believe. That leaves them more vulnerable to populists/Republicans before foreign nations, one hopes. If the Chinese and Russians can hold off lobbing nukes at us for another couple of years, we have a chance to save America.

Spin Zone / Re: Federal Appeals Court Enforces Stay of Vaccine Mandate
« on: November 14, 2021, 06:20:39 AM »
Because they are Communists and want to get rid of the Constitution.

Democrats seem oblivious to the nature of the U.S. which is conceived as a federation of sovereign states. That’s been whittled away bit by bit for a hundred years now, by people, like Democrats, who want to concentrate power over us all in a central authority.

When you connect the dots between the fake civil rights whores, the pathetic lgbtqrstuvwxyz whores, the crt whores, the tranny admiral, the guy who calls himself michelle obama, insane printing of money, punishing strategies to make success nearly criminal, unless you are fucking walmart who buy their shit from the fucking chinese, who gave us the ficking wuhan virus, and open borders, you see a very carefully strategized coup to end America and create a global corporate governance.

the fucking democrats are behind it all, and those of you who constantly apologize, rationalize, and pretend it isn't so, for those fuckers are the worst of the worst of the lot.

The risks of vaccines are miniscule.  The risks of COVID vaccines have been dramatically overstated by those with a political agenda.  The risk of COVID is considerable.

Without a doubt, the risks of covid have been dramactically overstated by those with a political agenda.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: November 10, 2021, 07:44:00 AM »
Every NFL and every College Football stadium is full to capacity, every weekend for the last 8-10 weeks. People aren’t masked, and certainly aren’t socially distanced.

There has been not a single accusation of one of these games being deemed a “super spreader” event.

Do you honestly think masking and social distancing are effective, and that it matters?
I concur, it's certainly an example that should be more closely examined, but we're not doing contact tracing anymore to know where the infections are really coming from.

I'm looking at a new DOD policy that requires either
  • Documented proof of vaccination OR
  • Negative test within 72 hours
This in itself is part of hiding the truth because it assumes and supports the data modeling that only unvaccinated people can be COVID positive. Self-fulfilling prophesy.

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: November 08, 2021, 07:11:23 PM »
2) Snopes is apparently in enough financial trouble that they are begging for money.

Snopes rates that mostly false.

Better part of two years into this lunacy. I want to wake up and it’s late 2019 and it was all a nightmare.

It is mass insanity and brainwashing as we've discussed before.   I used to be amazed at what happened to Germany and the rise of Hitler and the the Nazis, but no more.  In general, much of the populace are go along, get along Lemmings.  I'm really disgusted by half the populace at this point.

Spin Zone / Re: Let’s Go Brandon
« on: November 03, 2021, 08:39:34 AM »
It’s my belief that Number 7 is FloridaCracker.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: November 02, 2021, 01:15:25 PM »
Wearing a mask and social distancing is prudent.

 Mask wearing has never been shown or proven to be effective.  Social distancing has also never been shown or proven to be effective either.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: October 31, 2021, 05:40:03 PM »
Can you imagine going through all that bullshit for the seasonal flu? Which this basically is.

I never trusted the faggot obama not to commit treason, and president fuckwad was his footstool...

Make no mistake, this is 100% Obama's third term. Fundamental transformation...

I’m not all PETA over animal research but I believe three things:

1. If they must be used, suffering should be minimized.

2. No dogs. The domesticated canine has evolved a unique trust in humans that should never be violated!

3. Our taxpayer money has no business going to other countries for nonsense like this. Fauci and his ilk have no concern about our malignant deficit and these bureaucrats are totally out of control. This is grifting bullshit which seems to be Fauci’s main thing, throwing our money around for his own power and glory.

Just like measles and mumps, the thing to do is get covid when you’re a kid. Extremely benign in children, more dangerous when you are an adult so you want to get natural immunity when you’re a kid. My grandson was mildly ill for 3 days. The baby wasn’t tested but since her brother got it and they rough and tumble together all day, (and her mother got it) it’s highly likely she got it but had no symptoms at all. I asked my daughter if she was going to test her for the antibodies she said no way am I putting her through a venipuncture, lol!

Exactly. Younger people should just get this illness which is becoming endemic. It is more dangerous the older you are and so the vaccines or other treatments for the elderly make a lot more sense.

Cool Places to Fly / Re: William Shatner blasts into space
« on: October 14, 2021, 05:32:53 AM »
" boldly go where many have gone before..."

Actually, good for him! Now he needs a longer ride on Bezos' flying dick.

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