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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 48 49 [50] 51 52 ... 134
Spin Zone / Re: Idiotic Aviation Wokery
« on: April 08, 2021, 10:32:10 AM »
They deleted my thread almost instantly. Wow. Nothing against the rules in it, I would think.
POA got started in large part because of the heavy-handed moderation and ultimate closure of the AOPA forums.

Despite all the problems with that forum, discussions like the United Airlines thing would have been allowed.

POA is now much worse than the forum that gave birth to POA.

Spin Zone / Re: Idiotic Aviation Wokery
« on: April 08, 2021, 07:32:02 AM »
The problem is assuming that opportunity = success. A better formula might be Determination + Preparation + Opportunity = Success.  If you are not prepared for the opportunity that is in front of you, then you have disqualified yourself.
That’s exactly correct.

My FIL was a professor in the College of Education at Illinois State University.  He was a classic liberal, not a leftist, and had a lot of common sense.

He was disgusted by the push to send “everyone” to college. ISU was about 2 hours from Chicago, and the influx of people who were almost forced to attend college due to affirmative action, misguided guidance counselors and societal expectations. 

He had too many people in class that didn’t have the desire or work ethic or preparation to make it as a teacher, yet he was a lone voice in the deans office, where his colleagues “celebrated” having all those people in the college of education.

He always said not everyone should go to college.

Spin Zone / Re: "More Capitol Carnage"
« on: April 07, 2021, 01:18:00 PM »
So it's the Net Operating Income's fault?  What about the IRR?  Aren't they guilty too?
Lol. Accounting humor. Thanks Anthony!

So much for boycotting MLB.

And this was in TEXAS!
That’s alright. These fans and the State of Texas were all giving a big FU to the Covid nannies. 

They did that in Wisconsin and the left still bitched about it.
Yep, and in the resulting lawsuits, the democrat disenfranchised “plaintiffs” actually did have IDs. They could not find a single plaintiff who didn’t have or couldn’t easily get one.

Spin Zone / Re: The Gap Continues to Widen
« on: April 05, 2021, 11:37:37 AM »
Let's add to that the move today by the MLB to pull the All Star game from Georgia based on wholly misinformed leftists pushing and agenda.
The next “conservative” politician that advocates for public funding of a private sports arena should be tarred and feathered.

Pilot Zone / Re: Bought a Navion
« on: April 01, 2021, 02:01:04 PM »
You also want the 20mm cannon mod.  For when the bombs are gone or for those pesky 109's.

Pilot Zone / Re: Bought a Navion
« on: April 01, 2021, 12:26:02 PM »
I’m checking with my A&P to see how much this mod is. Hoping to get it done while it’s in for it’s annual this week.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: April 01, 2021, 11:05:29 AM »
in all fairness, "don't know" means don't know.
Quite honestly, given my lack of trust in the government, including the CDC, I can’t quite believe them if they said they don’t know.

Spin Zone / Re: another locked thread
« on: March 31, 2021, 12:42:15 PM »
I gave it another push...


"I didn't realize buying socks at Walmart was a constitutional right."

You would agree that it's a privilege to buy socks, right? Perhaps not from Walmart, but that's a personal judgement.

There is a constitutional amendment which prevents abridging the privileges of citizens, but I suspect most people don't take that prohibition against abridging any more seriously than the other one.


The funny thing, most people don't know that part of the 14th Amendment.
Most people don’t read beyond the headline anymore, which is why we are so fucked.

Never could figure out the political undertones of gastrulation or placental development, but I bet you guys could.
Clever. Use the earliest question of life to justify the the inter uterine destruction of a fully formed human being anywhere from the size of my iPhone to a baby 1 second away from birth, and in some quarters like Illinois and Virginia, after the live birth.

Liberalism is a death cult.

Pilot Zone / Re: Bought a Navion
« on: March 28, 2021, 01:29:26 PM »
That's great stuff Stan.  Glad to see you are and will be flying the heck out of it!  Very cool.
Thanks Anthony. After 15 years as a renter, it is so cool to own my own.

Pilot Zone / Re: Bought a Navion
« on: March 28, 2021, 12:46:06 PM »
I’m doing a few things during the annual:

1.  Installing shoulder harnesses. Stock Navions only had lap belts.

2.  Installing a screw-on oil filter. Currently just has an oil screen.

3.  Removing vernier throttle and installing throttle with a friction lock. I couldn’t get used to twisting the throttle for fine tuning.

4.  Installing connector to battery for a 12V battery minder.

Etc. No big ticket items yet; I thought let’s see how this first one goes.

Once I get a good sign off on the engine, I’m going to fly with my A&P and really learn engine management with this big bore Continental. He soloed in his dad’s Navion at age 16 so he knows them well.

Then I’m going to fly the hell out of it.

Someone took my picture after my first solo in my Navion.

Pilot Zone / Re: Bought a Navion
« on: March 28, 2021, 12:36:50 PM »
Alright Stan, where are the pictures, flying stories, performance notes, KTAS, Fuel Burn, etc.???

Or does only your hairdresser know for sure?      ;D

Calgon Take me away!

Ancient Chinese Secret......

Stronger than DIRT!
All right all right!  It is tax season after all. But I did my insurance checkout with a Navion-experienced instructor; finally got into my own hangar; finally got a tug to move it. I’ve flown solo a few times, and on Friday I flew it to Burlington, WI for its first annual. My A&P is president of the Midwest Navioneers, and I’m fortunate to have such an expert 21nm away.

Had a high CHT issue on my insurance checkout, and I was concerned. However speaking to the seller, he said with the E-225 engine with a pressure carburetor you need to fly it with WOT because theirs a valve in the carb that sends more fuel to the Cylinders to keep them cool. I’m a skeptic so did my research and damned, he’s right. I’ve read some articles from some Bonanza guy who knows the engine, and also watched some videos with Mike Bush who basically said the same thing.

Still, my A&P will give it a good looking over.

My hangar. Still need a beer fridge.

In the A&P’s hangar on Friday.

Spin Zone / Re: Meet Joe Biden, America's first Idiocracy President
« on: March 28, 2021, 06:22:25 AM »
There have been traitors from the beginning.  They may look different today, but they are always the same.  The entire Democrat Party is now openly Anti American.  Their policies are all counter to the Citizen, The People and pro big, controlling government.   They think they are the new Royalty and need the guillotine for a start.
And traitors have been shot, or hung. Now, they are lionized by their willing accomplices.

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