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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: Chinese Spy Ballon Floating Acrosd America
« on: February 13, 2023, 03:30:19 PM »
General VanHerck hasn’t ruled out space aliens.  🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

The U.S. under this administration looks so foolish.

Spin Zone / Re: Chocolate thread
« on: February 13, 2023, 10:21:19 AM »
I thought this was appropriate for the Chocolate thread:

Sounds like it wasn’t hot and they weren’t injured.  I hope they threw that batch out though.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: February 13, 2023, 07:44:23 AM »
I think what a lot of people are underestimating is the depth of the hatred of Trump.  We are not going to fix that.  EVER.  And if people keep pushing Trump, then Lucifer will be 100% correct.

The inference I'm getting is that you think all the cheating is about preventing Trump from winning.  I think they'll keep up the cheating if DeSantis or any Republican runs.  It's been too successful.

Spin Zone / Re: Chocolate thread
« on: February 10, 2023, 06:52:46 AM »
Amen. Marriage is easy compared to kids. For a nerdy introvert, policing other people is hell. However, it’s essential of course to do the job right.

Lots of pressure on both of us. What happens is the relationship is submerged. You’re too busy to spend time connecting, and not connecting is THE big threat to romantic relationships and introduces the danger of finding intimacy elsewhere, example, coworkers.  It’s extremely hard to “connect” when you come home, and you face dinner, housework, with little kids yammering and tugging at you.  It is literally impossible to have a decent conversation with kids around. By the time the kids are in bed you’re so wiped you don’t even want sex, you just crash, and still haven’t verbally connected. 

So the work is, first you must recognize the danger exists.  I’m convinced a lot of divorces happen because people get too far down the road before awareness creeps in that they’ve ignored the primary relationship too long.  Second, you must act to create time for the relationship.  Get a babysitter and have date night. Drop the kids at the grandparents and go for a weekend vacation. You must consider these things necessities, not luxuries, and budget for them.

Remain healthy. Try not to get fat, that’s bad for sexual attraction. Schedule sex. Forget the idea that “it’s got to be spontaneous or it’s not fun.”  Women with small kids and babies do not feel very sexy but you can put work into it for the sake of the relationship. Do not underestimate the power of sex to defuse simmering anger and resentment and reboot your feelings about each other.

Nip outside attractions in the bud. Everybody made fun of Mike Pence when he said he wouldn’t go to dinner with a woman not his wife but he is exactly right.  Those are the opportunities to feel a spark with someone else that can grow to threaten your marriage.

Manage your finances. Do not go into debt. Do not live beyond your means. Money problems are a huge strain on a relationship.  Unfortunately if it leads to divorce, things can get even worse in that department, especially for the man.

Learn how to argue.  Avoid “you always” attacks, and so on.  All of this requires conscious effort, and the marriage can survive the underwater years. Then when the kids grow up and move away, if you’ve held it together this long, worked hard and built a life, you have an ironclad long term bond.

Of course, all of this only works if you marry the right person in the first place. It has to be someone you like, not are just infatuated with, but like, as in friend, companion.  Not a narcissistic psychopath or anything.

Spin Zone / Re: Chocolate thread
« on: February 09, 2023, 06:16:50 PM »
37 years. I can't even imagine, nor do I really want to, at least for me.  ;D

You really have to have married the right person in the first place to not be suicidal after 37 years with the same damn person every day.  The trick is, how do you know, when you’re a stupid young’un, if it’s the right person? Maybe you don’t. Maybe some of us just luck out.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: February 09, 2023, 02:48:01 PM »
Truth is, the Republican field is about to get crowded with candidates. 

Who will be the nominee?   Dunno at this point. 

But if the RNC and the establishment get their way (they will), then they will choose, not the voter.

And 2024 is going to the democrats.  Do the electoral math.

Then stick a fork in us if that’s true.  We’re done.

Spin Zone / Re: Chocolate thread
« on: February 09, 2023, 12:00:11 PM »
I understand spending that kind of money if you're a connoisseur.
I do not understand spending that kind of money hoping that it will get you laid.   :-\

In my house, the get laid happens anyway.  And if he doesn't buy me chocolate, I just order it for myself and pay for it out of his money.  ;D

Spin Zone / Re: State of the Union thread
« on: February 08, 2023, 12:00:11 PM »
You pretty much covered it.  I’ll add our energy industry is being deliberately destroyed.

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: February 06, 2023, 07:16:37 PM »
Yeah, I'm thinking that and a candlelight dinner at my place or something like that. Oh vey. This is hard.   ;D

You’re not gonna do what I think you might be getting ready to do, are you?

Spin Zone / Re: Chinese Spy Ballon Floating Acrosd America
« on: February 03, 2023, 02:02:15 PM »
What's lost, full of gas, and owned by China?

Joe Biden.

Spin Zone / Re: Chinese Spy Ballon Floating Acrosd America
« on: February 03, 2023, 11:45:17 AM »
I think that the point isn't recon.  It's to say that we can fly over your territory and you won't do anything about it.  Much more for propaganda at home (China) and to stir up the masses (here) than any actual intelligence gathered. Oops... so sorry.  Not.

And it never would have happened if Trump were in office.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: February 02, 2023, 11:23:58 AM »
I think it's because too many people know his true character now and it turns them off.  I'm slightly right of center and I will not vote for him, I'll write in a candidate first.  I suspect there are many others like me, so if he only has support from 40-45% of the country, how can he win?

Additionally, he is a lightning rod.  As soon as he is in the race, Democrats will pull out all the stops to get out the vote, they will have record turnout again.  Republicans are not well served by having Democrats energized and learning to vote.  If someone voted last election, they're likely to vote again. 

And yes, that will include cheating, but at this point they almost don't need that anymore.  It's a lot more than "they cheated".

True character?  He’s the same as he’s always been. Speaks his mind, what you see is what you get, with a little bombast and hyperbole.

If you and many others like you won’t vote for him in the general then you’re insane. You must like high gas prices and the threat of WW3.  If you vote for someone else in the primary, that’s fine. But only DeSantis has a shot at it and he hasn’t declared.

Spin Zone / Re: When Californians move to Texas
« on: January 31, 2023, 08:40:00 AM »
Margaret Thatcher, as restated by Neal Boortz

Wow.  Now that is a badass woman leader.  T’would that we had her instead of the likes of Kamala, AOC, Hillary, Stacy Abrams, Nancy Pelosi, etc. etc. etc.

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: January 27, 2023, 05:29:49 AM »

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