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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: Making cockpits less white
« on: March 02, 2023, 05:22:12 AM »
I never thought to look it up, but there is a web site dedicated to "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender aviation professionals and enthusiasts":

Also turns out that the FAA required the first transgender commercial pilot to undergo a battery of psychology tests:

The policy was later modified but the FAA 2023 Guide For Aviation Medical Examiners does have a section on Gender Dysphoria. If the person had a gender change over 5 years prior to the medical examine AND "If there is no evidence of a mental health diagnosis and the airman is doing well on current treatment: " the examiner may issue a medical.
Under 5 years or a history of mental health issues (other than gender dysphoria) then the applicant gets to go through FAA Aerospace Medical hell.

Yes, I thought the FAA was now certifying trans.  Like I said if I ever meet one I think isn’t whacked I’ll let you know.  A prime candidate is Caitlyn Jenner but I haven’t met her.  But she might qualify because 1) She didn’t come out as trans until way late in life.  You don’t come out in your 60s from adolescent peer pressure.  So she is genuine trans (as opposed to pseudo which is almost always a symptom of primary depression/ anxiety disorder).  2) She is a conservative which suggests logical and level headed as opposed to woke left which indicates someone who is facts and reality challenged.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: February 28, 2023, 09:19:24 AM »
The chinese virus scam was the biggest psyop in the history of the USA.

The ongoing hysteria is nothing but frightened assholes, trying to maintain the gravy train that enriched so many fucking democrat traitors, starting with fauci and his freak show adminstration.

And it has consequences way beyond enriching the Democrats. It led to universal mail in voting, Biden “winning” the WH, Putin invading Ukraine, looming nuclear war, global economic dysfunction, increase in dystopian authoritarianism, depression and suicide, undoing the border security Trump had in place, stunting the education of children for two years, stunting the development of facial recognition in babies, supply chain disruption, medication shortages, depleting our oil reserves, and ironically: acceleration of the collapse of China.

My opinion: China was not ready to release it yet (if they were ever going to: it may have been a bioweapon, it may not have) but it escaped the lab.  The Democrats then seized on it to implement election changes as admitted to and detailed in the Time article. It was a happy windfall!  Meanwhile Trump was duped by his advisers including Fauci, to recommend a “two week lockdown” and the rest is history. Oh, and to fast track a vaccine which was an opportunistic windfall for the pharmaceutical companies, sealing the fascist union of corporations and government. Trump thought he was helping but didn’t know the vaccine would turn out so ineffective and be plagued with possible horrible side effects.

Trump, for all his virtues, is not an ideological free market libertarian and did not foresee the fascist nature of subsidizing the vaccine. He helped create a monster that won’t go away (endless boosters).  He also did not foresee the damage done by stimulus checks and small business loans.  The loans were plagued with fraud and the stimmy checks contributed to the current inflation (which Biden poured gasoline on) and removed motivation for people to go back to work.  But once again, Trump had good intentions and bad advice.  He is far from perfect. But I still think he’s the best man for the job due to 1) keeping us out of war 2) securing the border 3) getting us energy independent and 4) exposing the Uniparty swamp.

The virus was used as a weapon to misguide Trump into some bad decisions and to forever contaminate our elections with easy fraud possibly ruining forever any chance to elect a candidate that isn’t a puppet for the fascist elite, and therefore leading us inexorably into a hot civil war and the literal dissolution of the country if we aren’t nuked out of existence by Putin first.

Spin Zone / Re: What if We Did Divorce?
« on: February 27, 2023, 07:12:56 AM »
Government on every level including Law Enforcement, Military etc would go after Rebel citizens without hesitation. The government would give them no alternative but arrest and possibly execution.

They’re already doing it.  The J6 “rebels”.

Spin Zone / Re: Then and Now
« on: February 20, 2023, 10:13:39 AM »
I don’t know why people are afraid to admit that biden’s is a treasonous dog, compromised by red china and clueless about any subject except his obsession with collecting bribes.

Brainwashed lemmings.

Spin Zone / Re: Then and Now
« on: February 20, 2023, 08:08:27 AM »
And by like I mean well written but dislike.

Spin Zone / Re: Jimmy Carter moved to Hospice care at home
« on: February 19, 2023, 01:18:51 PM »
People can and do off themselves on a regular basis. Why allow the government into it, and brings a fellow human being into your own suicide? 

There’s a big difference between someone suffering a painful Terminal condition, and government-sanctioned death because you’re depressed.

Devil’s advocate here.  I’d like to be able to legally obtain a big enough dose of morphine to off myself if I get terminal cancer and am in unbearable pain.  And maybe legally get the advice of a professional how to inject it.  That’s the only reason I’d like to have “assisted suicide” made legal but it’s a pretty big reason.  I don’t think I can put a gun to my head and pull the trigger. And anyway I am opposed to using guns for that purpose.  Hanging?  No way.  Drink antifreeze or other poison?  Hell no. 

From a strictly libertarian viewpoint, government has no business preventing me from obtaining such assistance.  But I’m against socialized medicine too. The problem in Canada is the government has a huge incentive to get rid of people for money reasons.  This applies to the old and sick. So it’s their Marxism that makes legal suicide something to be abused. And as for the young people, the world they face due to our decayed culture, distorted social scene, and lack of prospects for a normal life, that is largely due to wokeness and feminism screwing up normal human relationships. Of course they’re depressed and suicidal.

So I’m not supposed to want legal assisted suicide because the left has screwed up the world so much that it is misused and abused way more than it would be in a healthy functioning free market society?

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: February 18, 2023, 12:43:38 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Never Trumpers Won't Like This
« on: February 18, 2023, 12:41:06 PM »
Sorry about my poor wording and grammar.  But you figured out what I meant.  Perhaps the lack of a comma helped.

The English language can do that, sentences can have two meanings.  It is especially common in journalism.  They have atrocious grammar.  You’re always seeing headlines like this:  “People protect themselves with guns who have CCW permits.”   No, it’s not the guns that have permits.  That one is easy to figure out. But I’ve seen some like this:

“Relative of man killed by criminal who was honored at a ceremony talks to reporters.”

Huh? Who was honored? The man with a relative? Or the criminal? Or was it the relative that was honored? It’s not clear. They do this ALL the time. Have journalists always been this bad?

Spin Zone / Re: Never Trumpers Won't Like This
« on: February 18, 2023, 09:29:00 AM »
Oh, JeffDG.  I missed that he was from Canadia.

Spin Zone / Re: What happened in East Palestine?
« on: February 18, 2023, 07:38:52 AM »
The only reason liberals whine about racist railroads and highways is because they have no filing clue how the country came to be and are far too lazy to put in the effort required to know and understand the truth.

Flinging bullshit claims of racism is so much easier than having a clue about anything that resembles effort, intelligence and work.

This country is woefully uneducated.  Now, “history” is being taught in the context of overriding racism, white supremacy, and colonialism.  The truth is the spread of Northern European whites to the world was a result of technological development arising from geographical advantages and was neither good nor bad, but both, and was inevitable. It resulted in many evils but also many good things, if you consider the modern world good, in that we have much less poverty, much longer lifespans, and more food than we can possibly eat, in the developed world, as long as we can avoid war.  Aside from the Democrat controlled hellholes, blacks are essentially arrived to the same level of advantage as whites; there is no longer disparity.  Those Native Americans who chose to assimilate into the new (advanced) culture and didn’t insist on remaining on reservations to wallow in nostalgia about their Stone Age past did equally well.

That’s not to say we don’t still have racial disparity, but it’s almost exclusively located in the Democrat run cities and they’ve painted themselves into a terrible corner.  Black male agency has been removed by bad economic policy, and human male agency is the foundation of civilization and survival.

Spin Zone / Re: Gee, We didn't see this one coming
« on: February 17, 2023, 09:29:02 AM »
   Fetterman's wife is a nutjob as well, and a hard core leftist.   If Fetterman resigns there's a good chance the nutjob Governor will appoint Giselle Fetterman to serve out his term.

I think that was the plan all along.

Spin Zone / Re: Gee, We didn't see this one coming
« on: February 17, 2023, 09:04:57 AM »
He needs to resign. He had no business running and everyone knows it. They pushed him in just to deny a Trump backed candidate the win. I consider it abuse of a disabled person.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: February 15, 2023, 07:16:31 AM »
Saw a new cardiologist yesterday and asked him about the heart issues and side effects of the Covid jab and whether he thought it was true based on the cases he’s seen in his practice.

He said the myocarditis in young men is definitely true, but all the rest, sudden deaths, arrhythmia etc., he said he cannot say the jab causes more of that then getting Covid the disease does.  He has seen bad heart damage from Covid the disease. 

In people who have gotten the vaccine, in some cases he believes the jab caused problems not only in the heart, but other side effects. One man had had shoulder joint surgery which was recovering fine until he got the jab in that arm, and then he started having all sorts of problems with his new shoulder. That’s not proof the jab caused the problem but he’s just reporting what patients claim, and he personally believes at least some of these side effects are real.

However, specifically with respect to the heart, he sees far more problems after Covid the disease than after the jab.

But!  Covid the disease today is much milder than earlier versions.  He indicated that endless boosters are not necessary. He said as far as the evidence one way or the other about the jab being dangerous, he does not know.  He bemoaned how political it has all become and how there is no objective source to trust. From his anecdotal practice, he thinks the jab probably does cause issues, but again, he has seen even more caused by the disease itself.  But lessening now because the disease is milder so he does not recommend continuing boosters.

He said he was made to get the original vax because the practice required it, but hasn’t boosted, and also said the whole mask thing is nonsense.  So he’s not an NPC and I took his opinions as honestly come by.

Spin Zone / Re: Chinese Spy Ballon Floating Acrosd America
« on: February 14, 2023, 06:29:51 AM »
But, she's a Black, Lesbian woman so nothing will ever happen to her and her utter incompetence.

BTW. Anybody else sick if all the Black "firsts" we have to suffer about hearing during Black history month? Yes, I know I'm racist.    ::)

That would be laudable only if she were chosen for her superior job qualifications. Being chosen because Black (check) Female (check) Lesbian (check) and then displaying poor job performance makes people think other blacks/women/gays got their position because of skin color/genitals etc. when in fact maybe they actually were the best qualified.

This then creates resentment toward the deserving minorities who get lumped in with all the pathetic idpol hires.  It hurts the very people it’s supposed to uplift.  It does not reward actual skill and talent, and that’s a huge problem.  It reinforces the myth that minorities are in fact inferior. When in reality if you uphold the standards, you get fewer minorities in these positions but the ones you do are equal or better than average, which is how to dispel the myth of minority inferiority.

Spin Zone / Re: Chinese Spy Ballon Floating Acrosd America
« on: February 13, 2023, 04:12:05 PM »
But the low information types are eating this up.  Gone is the Pfizer gain of function story.  Gone is the Biden document scandal. Gone are the Biden crime stories.  Gone are videos of the border.

And the train derailment.

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