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Messages - jb1842

Pages: 1 ... 21 22 [23] 24 25 26
Spin Zone / Re: Cursive writing
« on: July 11, 2019, 01:09:07 PM »
I fear the feminization or at least demasculinization of young boys is creating males who can’t do push-ups.

They'll show them how.

Spin Zone / Re: Left melts down over Trump's 4th of July Parade
« on: July 11, 2019, 06:19:23 AM »
You may or may not have noticed that the celebration was turned into a huge political event by DeBlasio and Rapinoe.

I don't have twitter and don't know how to post videos from there, but if there are some videos of the players that remind me of school in summer....they have no class.

Spin Zone / Re: Education is a Fundamental Right
« on: June 26, 2019, 06:41:40 PM »
The access to an education is a right; you can't be turned away due to race, sex, economic status, etc. After that, nothing else is owed to anybody. It's up to the individual to work and pay for that education. You do it right and you won't go into debt.

Spin Zone / Re: Will American Jews continue to vote democrat?
« on: June 07, 2019, 06:11:49 AM »
I believe the Black Community in the U.S. is more racist than many, even within their own community.  Lighter skinned blacks are prejudiced against darker skin Blacks.  Plus many if not most have a chip on their shoulder about "WHITEY".  This has been perpetuated by Black community leaders (Community Organizers, wink, wink), and also White Liberal/Progressives in order to use the Black community for their own purposes. 

Yes, there are White bigots and racists also, and I have no time for them either.

Working in law enforcement, I have seen the hate the black community has for one another, especially those who have become successful in something that isn't music or sports. We had a black judge who was someone who I respected very much. Grew up in the poor, black neighborhoods, worked full-time while going to school. Ended up retiring as federal district court judge. But so many times after he sentenced a black person to prison, and that person didn't like the sentence, all of a sudden the judge was an "Uncle Tom" and an "Oreo". The black community are their own worst enemy.

Pilot Zone / Re: Oshkosh Anybody?
« on: May 30, 2019, 07:01:20 AM »
You should be.

He loves airplanes. He should be happy. Took him to the EAA museum this past weekend. We got home and asked him if he had fun, and he put on his boots, grabbed his jacket, and went to the door. Stood there saying, "airplanes, go."

Spin Zone / Re: China trade deal
« on: May 15, 2019, 08:52:15 AM »
If the quality is the same, consumers will always go for lower price, unless there is some brand loyalty thing going on.  The trick is for the U.S. to get more high margin, high innovation products to be made here.  These jobs pay the most, and have the most economic multipliers.

Wisconsin is trying to do that with Foxconn, but so far this project is getting to be more fucked up than a football bat. Then you have the government getting involved to make things difficult for companies to grow, or make them quit trying; I hope New Yorkers learned this lesson with Amazon and retarded politicians. Then even if the government helps out businesses with TIFs and tax breaks, you get people screaming and crying about those. Would Tesla even be where they are at without all the government subsidies and tax breaks for those who bought from them? Can a business in the U.S. even be successful on their own anymore?

Why did Odin create Number 7?

So garbagemen would have someone to look down on.

Just like a dem to attack a hard working person because it doesn't fit a narrative of what they think others should be.

Spin Zone / Re: Mueller report PDF
« on: April 19, 2019, 07:55:58 AM »
Correct, but who holds the Media, and Democrats accountable for lying, and attempting to unseat a legitimate sitting President?  I know the answer.  Nobody.  :(

Which is why they want to disarm the population. They fear a revolt of the citizens. We have the right to bear arms and remove our government by force if we so choose. That scares them.

Spin Zone / Re: felons; voting rights and gun rights
« on: April 19, 2019, 04:19:53 AM »
Be fair. The leftists get upset when anyone has guns.

Unless they are being protected by those with guns.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's Tax Returns
« on: April 04, 2019, 08:48:56 AM »
If they want Trump's taxes then they should provide theirs in turn. I would be fine with making it a law to disclose to the the public the tax returns of all people running for office. Let's see how these politicians become multi-millionaires in office on a starting salary of $175,000 a year.

Spin Zone / Re: Mueller Investigation........Put a Fork In It
« on: March 23, 2019, 07:17:57 AM »
Isn't rachel maddow the guy that used to be on Wonder Years?

No. Screech from Saved by the Bell.

Spin Zone / Re: Will American Jews continue to vote democrat?
« on: March 16, 2019, 03:29:29 PM »
Someone explain to me how all these retarded dems keep crying how foreigners (Russians) helped Trump steal the elections, but then want other foreigners (illegals) to vote in our elections.

Spin Zone / Re: Will American Jews continue to vote democrat?
« on: March 13, 2019, 06:36:29 AM »
In olden times religion was the primary source of charity, and government kept its hands out of it.  But it should be remembered that in previous times Church and State were intrinsically intertwined, and both were more or less compulsory.  Church had far greater sway on one's day to day life, and had the resources to serve as a societal safety net.

I doubt strongly that houses of worship in modern America have either the resources or breadth to exclusively serve that role.

Just google how many churches have private jets or have pastors rolling around in large SUVs. Enough money to serve all of America's charitable needs? Probably not. But plenty of money to make an impact in their local communities. Hell, the Mormons and Catholic organizations are worth billions.

All you need to prove media bias is to look how they treated Nick Sandmann vs. how they treated Smollett.

Spin Zone / Re: SOTU
« on: February 07, 2019, 06:56:21 AM »
Cortez didn't know what to do.  Sit stone face with a scowl, stand, clap, smile, jump up and down like an idiot, etc.  She kept having to look at the others, and parrot what they were doing.  It was a total freak show.  At some points Pelosi (head Tampon) was directing them from the pulpit on what to do!  Did anyone else see that?

She was a bartender before she was elected. A job where people told you what to do. Of course she didn't know what to do without others telling her.

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