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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: POA-Why Do I Bother?
« on: September 11, 2018, 02:09:31 PM »
The elimination of the Spin Zone was because the management council is basically lazy.  They had to do more work to maintain the Spin Zone than the rest of POA combined.  That said, the Spin Zone had more traffic than the rest of POA combined, I think.  If not, it was pretty close.  The Spin Zone was a third of the POA content, this according to one of the guys who maintained the site.

That's what I don't get. Why did they have to "work" it at all? Couldn't they just leave it completely unmoderated?

Spin Zone / Re: Americans should know that there are adults in the room
« on: September 09, 2018, 07:59:46 PM »
I vehemently dislike the tax cut because it is regressive and adds 1.5 trillion to the deficit according to the GAO.

I agree that the deficit is a horrible thing and can't continue. But thinking more taxes will fix it doesn't make sense. Spending cuts are what's needed, along with a growing economy so actual total revenue will be higher.

Spin Zone / Re: Honor, Dignity and Victimhood
« on: September 09, 2018, 10:33:34 AM »
He's definitely a systems thinker. My takeaway from the second talk was that liberals and conservatives both act from moral perspectives, but prioritize different aspects of innate human morality. We need to appreciate that and understand it in order to be able to talk to each other. As someone who no longer identifies as liberal, I very much appreciate that perspective. For me the transformation began when I moved to a state where firearms have been a part of the culture for hundreds of years, that is being displaced by leftists who came in, like me, from elsewhere, intent on transforming the state into something more like Canada, with strict controls on gun purchases and ownership. Yet firearms are used in criminal activities here very rarely, and the per capita violent crime rate is also one of the lowest in the nation. Didn't make sense to me, still doesn't (even after the near mass shooting at Fair Haven). Then came the 2016 election, which I've been trying to understand ever since, both the popularity of Trump and the extreme reactions from some on the far left.

So at this point I'm a female ex-liberal with libertarian leanings, trying to find common ground between left and right to resist the polarization that seems to be tearing this country apart. From what I've seen so far, I like this guy a lot.

I like the way he looks at it from both sides without demonizing either side. 

Spin Zone / Re: Honor, Dignity and Victimhood
« on: September 09, 2018, 09:03:26 AM »
Apparently he's not a socialist. I love the analysis of male/female differences. Men think systematically and women think emotionally and libertarians are 80% male. I'm a female libertarian and I definitely think systematically. Explains why I prefer male company over female company and why I became an engineer.

Spin Zone / Re: BURNING MAN
« on: September 06, 2018, 10:38:14 AM »
Did anyone self-identify here as an expert? Two opinions were qualified with the question mark. Is your offering any clearer? Whom made you an expert to offer an opinion on others expression?

I can see why you are not well liked, and not respected here. Which is kind of a shame, because if you could control your vituperation might offer insights into the liberal mantra that could be almost useful. You've made such an easy target  I'm beginning to think that's by design.

I don't dislike Steingar because he's a liberal. I figure it's tough not to be when you're steeped in a university environment. And he might be too old to change unfortunately. And if you live in the urban city culture these days you're by default steered into progressivism. For example, it's assumed man is bad for the planet, it is a fact like the sky is blue, it's not even questioned. Everywhere you look you see recycling, "green" admonishments, cruelty free food and cosmetics, and so on. The subtle messages and signaling is everywhere in urban and university environments. It's got to be a rare independently thinking individual to fight their way out of all that. Probably comparable to waking up from being brainwashed by Warren Jeffs. So I cut Steingar some slack, at least he sticks around and reads all this what to him must be outrageous propaganda, although I don't hold out much hope he will ever #walkaway. You never know though.

What I think is a shame is when everyone on all sides resorts to grade school insults although I confess I chuckle at the good ones. And also I'm not going to say don't stoop to personal insults because that's the whole point of an unmoderated forum - so much better than the milque toast AOPA and POA. But I'd rather intelligent debating with only the occasional personal insult.

But first of all, conservatives predominate on this board so the one or two liberals tend to get piled on, and second, with all due respect to the liberals, they usually don't have facts and logic on their side. However I need to qualify that by pointing out that if we source our news from only one side, we might not be getting the same facts.

Never mind news let me go back to cruelty free cosmetics. A thing accepted no question by liberals and maybe a lot of animal loving conservatives too. But a thinking person (me) asks how companies can assure their products are safe for humans without testing on animals. The answer is: companies either use only ingredients previously tested on animals by other companies or that are tested on human volunteers.

To my mind a company that sells "cruelty free" cosmetics is therefore profiting from the cruel testing done by other companies in the past but distancing themselves from culpability, and/or allowing human volunteers to take health risks for the sake of profit. That company portrays itself as virtuous while still benefiting from cruelty to animals and/or doing to humans what it proclaims it won't do to animals. To me that company is worse than one who says "sure we test on animals and if your vanity is more important to you than lab animals we'll take your money." At least that's honest.

And that is why I don't blindly accept liberal religion.

Spin Zone / Re: Cohen Guilty...
« on: September 05, 2018, 10:20:19 AM »
Like the last two posts, I was not for Trump at first either. I didn't vote for him in the primary. But after he won the primary he started winning me over with the emails asking for my opinion, then the Contract with the American voter, which included stuff I had said in my replies to him (not that it was there because I'd asked for it, but because no doubt thousands others had replied the same).

I also loved the way he "trash talked" (as I call it, a gamer term) - the bluntness that the left and MSM call "racist" I saw as high time somebody said it, for example the criminal illegals. MS-13 is a problem and everyone tip toes around it for PC but not Trump, he calls them out. And there is NOTHING racist about anything he said on that subject. There is nothing racist about wanting criminal illegals out of our country. It was so refreshing to hear a presidential candidate speak so aggressively toward these threats to our country, I'm sick of the conciliatory apologetic crap on subjects like that.

And maybe most of all, I started rooting for him when the Republican candidates failed to support him, which I took as a betrayal after I had supported them over Trump prior to the primary.  I needed them to do anything to defeat Hillary, if they truly cared about the country. Withdrawing support from Trump I saw as supporting Hillary and that was unforgivable. So it threw me even more toward Trump and away from establishment Republicans.

So I pulled the lever for Trump, more than anything to defeat Hillary, but also heartened by what he promised, but I was not holding my breath that he'd actually keep his promises. I expected anything from Hitler level evil, to a bumbling incompetent, to an "adequate" President.  I didn't expect him to hold firm to his promises to the extent he has.  He is not perfect, and I never took his over-the-top statements literally, I understood them as starting points for negotiation, or just trash talk. But he has surpassed my expectations in what he's actually accomplished.

Spin Zone / Honor, Dignity and Victimhood
« on: September 04, 2018, 03:43:15 PM »
I'm interested in what you university people think of this.  I found it interesting.  Also the bubble wrap helicopter parent thing.

Spin Zone / Re: Cohen Guilty...
« on: September 04, 2018, 09:25:17 AM »
Of course media portrayals of the POTUS have an effect, how could they not? But even though the media has had a left-leaning bias for decades, some Republican presidents (e.g. both Bushes but especially 41) have had high or even very high approval ratings at this point in their presidencies, and some Democratic presidents (e.g. Clinton, Obama) have had approval ratings as low as Trump's. (Source: Gallup) So I don't think you can attribute it all to media bias.

I'll admit that the msm have gone overboard in the way they scrutinize Trump, more so than previous presidents. It's really telling that even PBS and NPR spend a lot of airtime speculating on whether Cohen and Manafort will implicate Trump in criminal wrongdoing. Enough already! But beyond that, Trump's quirks and actions that draw some of that negative attention are real - the incessant tweeting, tweets that sometimes contradict statements by his Cabinet members, the deference to Putin in Helsinki - all real.

Don't you think some of that might be partly to blame for Trump's low approval ratings?

The tweeting is a double edge sword. Any time anyone says any words, they can be twisted out of context or used to contradict something they said earlier (because no one is 100% consistent all the time or has perfect memory).  But if he didn't tweet at all, I think the MSM would be just as brutal, they'd find other ways.  Trump does however give them ammunition.

On the other hand, his tweets allow him to completely bypass the MSM and communicate directly with us the People. No other President in history has ever done that. The technology allows it and Trump is the first to fully take advantage of it. This means the MSM has lost a great deal of its power to control "truth".

In Trump's debates, and in his emails and tweets during the campaign, he bypassed the usual channels which was one of the things I liked about him and one reason I voted for him. I had long since lost trust in the MSM - Trump's wholesale contempt of them and dismissal of them and refusal to rely on them was something no other candidate did, which to my mind said, the rest of them are still allowing MSM to control thought, and Trump isn't. That is very new and refreshing. MSM has no credibility. So any politician not bypassing them now is suspect in my mind. I think Trump might have therefore changed the game permanently. It's one of the reasons MSM is so extremely angry, they know they've lost a great deal of power and they are not going to get it back, unless the left takes over by violent coup and censors the internet like North Korea.  That's the only game they have left at this point. And that's unlikely as long as we avoid gun confiscation. But I bet they will try.

Spin Zone / Re: Cohen Guilty...
« on: September 03, 2018, 10:03:56 AM »
To be fair, we would have to ask detailed questions of azure's (or anyone's) position on many issues, to determine exactly how far left or right they are.  Unfortunately we have the two party system where a third cannot seem to break into, and so most people support either one of the only two options, and we are now so polarized that whichever you support, you believe that whomever supports the opposite one is an extremist.

Ergo if you voted for Hillary you are a leftist commie and if you voted for Trump you are a zenophobic white supremacist.

I am hoping most people are neither but I think the biggest problem is people take a position without facts to support it, and I see this as a huge problem on the left, with people supporting "socialism" for example without any real clue what the hell it actually is. On the right, I do NOT see the average Trump voter hating anyone with brown skin. So I have to say on average, the left is more delusional than the right. But that's only on certain (very important) issues. On other issues the right can be more delusional, like for example that we should get even tougher with the War on Drugs. I'm not sure that's a good current example though, there seem to be a lot of conservatives coming around to facts and reality that imprisoning more citizens than any other country in the world has not solved the drug problem.

Conversely, I see some on the left coming around to seeing that they've been misled on jobs and the economy, for example, the blacks who are finally waking up to what a disaster the Democrats have made of the inner cities.

I hate to throw people into the right and the left dismissively, without knowing their thoughts on all these issues.

Spin Zone / Re: Cohen Guilty...
« on: August 28, 2018, 06:28:03 AM »
The left and the media are now in full collective psychopathic rage. If there is no such term as collective psychopathy there needs to be and I'm inventing it right now.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA now deleting threads
« on: August 27, 2018, 05:14:43 AM »
Hypothesis: what if they aren't left leaning but they delete rightist comments because the left are crybabies and report them more but they don't delete leftist comments because people on the right aren't about censorship and so don't report the comments. This assumes they aren't usually reading comments themselves but rely on reports to even know they are there.

If this is true then maybe we can generalize and hope it means that there is far more conservative/libertarian thought out there than we see in the world in general.

Spin Zone / Re: Stupid feminist questions
« on: August 23, 2018, 09:06:40 AM »
I am REALLY reluctant to jump in the middle of this. And have managed to refrain until today. But curiosity is getting the bettter of my good judgment. I in no way at all thought of Becky's Osh thread an example of the kind of women that guy is railing against. Whatsoever. Am having trouble connecting those dots, so I tried to go reread that thread but can't find it. Becky did you delete it? (Do we even have the power to delete threads?) From memory all I can think of is that Becky was concerned for his safety or something and asking for help in dealing with those feelings. Those feelings are in no way invalid but I didn't see her trying to force him not to go. I recall saying, buy plenty of life insurance on him then let him do what he wants. But that's got limits. I would not for example "let" my husband go camping on a grizzly bear trail. (Timothy Treadwell). If my man insisted on that, I would find another man.

As in all things there is a reasonable zone. What I love about this guy's video is he is pushing back against extremist feminist stupidity. But his own position could become extremist in the reverse. Some of these guys in the growing Mansphere are going too far in the other direction. It's actually biologically normal for females to want males to take the dangerous risks for them in jobs and defense for example. Because females, evolutionarily, are continually vulnerable with pregnancies and nursing young. Birth control has changed that drastically but reliable birth control has only been around barely a century. It's going to take millennia for our instincts to catch up.

This particular guy does not seem to be saying he minds taking the dangers for his woman, on the contrary, he is saying that what he minds is women berating him for it, for being his macho daredevil self which is his biological program. And not appreciating men for this, and most of all he is saying the romcoms nurture a complete fantasy about it; that men should do these thing for the woman alone rather than for the family unit in protecting his own issue. Big difference.

And he is saying men should rightly receive more financial compensation for it (not just danger but simply working more and being more productive) because that is the correct supply-demand price point, where as these feminists want to take his rightly earned money and give it to them for what - just because they are female. And that is to elevate them to a higher value than a man - a thing very unnatural and wrong. These feminists don't want equality, they want to oppress men.

Romcoms might be creating unrealistic expectations and causing problems when we have to deal with real life, where "love" doesn't carry us happily through a lifetime of living under each other's feet, and I dare say women buy it more readily than do men. This is a real problem as we are swimming in fiction - not just romcoms- another pet peeve I have is the female physically combatting a larger male as if well matched in skill and strength, in fiction and video games. This irks me no end it has become so pervasive that young women nowadays go around claiming they don't need any protecting, as if they actually believe they could defeat a male assailant in a hand to hand struggle. That mindless stupidity only encourages further erosion of the 2nd Amendment. Women in total denial of their own weakness relative to men, thoughtlessly implanted into their subconscious by shows and video games depicting females with strength stats indistinguishable from males'. Nuts.

I might be getting off track so but yeah I never saw Becky as one of these fruitcakes. It is true that women have an overall tendency toward physical caution greater than men, on average, and that translates to exerting some pressure on their men not to do things too risky but I see that as biologically normal and not a problem within bounds, and I didn't sense Becky going out of reasonable bounds. And like I said, women actually want and like their men to be macho and take risks... to a point. Like many things in marriage you come to a compromise. Marriages with either the man or the woman wielding all the power are problematic, it works both ways.

The problem with the feminists is that they are hypocrites. They stop their men from doing the things men want to do (take risks and hence advance technology, kill food or fight enemies) while simultaneously expecting men to automatically do all these things on demand, and berating them for it at the same time. Feminists view men as despicable slaves to be used but also despised for the very traits they're being exploited for. This is a minority of bitter women that truly feel this way but their ideas are brainwashing the young generations. Unless I'm missing something I don't see Becky fitting either of those profiles??

I know my comment seemed like a one-off shot, but there is a point in there. Number7 shuts down dialogue by proclaiming liberalism against all who don't toe his own line. I'll never forget Rich from the POA forums giving what he thought was a genuine argument for open borders from a libertarian perspective. And he is certainly no liberal. I wish the Spin Zone was archived so I could dig it back up and we could hash it out.

I don't happen to agree with an open borders concept. So I guess the only box I fit in is ultra conservative. Or so says Number7.

I don't have a ton of time to commit to responses here lately, but I still follow along.

I'm a libertarian more than anything else and I understand the libertarian argument. I disagree with it. It's based on a utopian ideal and just like every utopian ideal it is an extremist position that doesn't work in the real world.

My position on immigration , like most rational people, is moderate. I am for legal immigration with standards. I am not for a closed, isolated society. That leads to terrible consequences. Neither am I for wide open borders which also leads to terrible consequences.

The left calls anyone who doesn't agree with wide open, uncontrolled borders xenophobic and racist. That's counterproductive, patently untrue, and is actually a tool used by the left to paint the right as an unalloyed "Face of Evil". They have brought this approach into full mainstream chant and thank your choice of God or gods many normal human beings in the Democrat party are saying, wait a minute, this insanity doesn't represent me. I'm walking away.

The reverse extreme, true xenophobic racist people who advocate a completely closed society, without even legal immigration, is very rare in the U.S. at this moment, existing only in a few fanatic fringe groups. There is virtually zero exposure of such people's ideas in any media, mainstream or not. On the contrary, it is the left who has infiltrated their extremist position into the open with such established mainstream politicians as Hilary Clinton advocating for no borders at all.

We must get control of our borders or we are doomed sooner rather than later. The only question is what set of standards to use for allowing legal immigration. That should be the issue we argue about, not whether or not to stop the flow of illegals. But the far left has got us focused on the wrong issue and is trying to block all efforts to stop that flow and we all know why: votes.

Spin Zone / Re: Cohen Guilty...
« on: August 22, 2018, 04:58:06 PM »
Which brings up a point I thought about earlier, listening to Rush discuss this - if Cohen rolled over and pled guilty to a crime which is not really a crime, in order to get a slap on the wrist for his very real tax evasion - doesn't this just go further to if not exonerate, at least give defense, to Trump on the same point? It's not a crime to do what Trump did, he can't be charged for it, and ultimately Cohen can't be sentenced for it because it's not a crime. So Cohen gets off light on the tax evasion while appearing to make Trump look guilty of a crime that isn't a crime, and everybody walks away with a slap on the wrist. Did Cohen do this intentionally to screw Mueller? It sure seems to me that's the upshot here...

Yeah this was my take on it too (no I'm not that Rush).  The MSM and the left must be salivating thinking they've finally got Trump but it's nothing but mist, there is no "there" there.  It's just a continuation of what they've been doing ever since the election, a lot of mindless thrashing trying to overthrow the result they cannot accept.

Nevermind the irrelevant insults; I’d like to know your answer to this simple question:
Do you believe that there are a larger percentage of rapists and murderers among illegal aliens than among legal residents?

Without trying to google anything here pre-coffee I don't believe one way or the other right now but I say that even if there were a lower percentage of rapists and murderers among illegals there is still every bit much justification for keeping them out. I've never liked the assertion that criminality is the biggest reason we need to build a wall anyway. It's not.

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