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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: 2020
« on: January 25, 2019, 05:56:48 AM »
I'm scared some charismatic unknown that nobody ever heard of will pop up at the last minute like Obama did and seduce the sheeple with fake promises like Obama did. The guy that wrote freakonomics concluded that the candidate with the most appeal wins, period. Not how the economy is doing, not how much money they spend, but personal appeal. I'm sure the Democrats are desperately auditioning very good looking, tall, appealing president wannabes like crazy right now.

Spin Zone / Re: An enlightened society kills its young
« on: January 24, 2019, 10:55:41 AM »
I looked it up, specifically here is the change:

It codifies many abortion rights laid out in Roe and other court rulings, including a provision permitting late-term abortions when a woman's health is endangered. The previous law, which was in conflict with Roe and other subsequent abortion rulings, only permitted abortions after 24 weeks of pregnancy if a woman's life was at risk.

According to that the main difference is they used to be permitted when the woman's life is in danger, now if the woman's health is in danger.

Sometimes I might agree with "health" reasons (very extreme cases) but mostly I fear we will end up using "psychological stress" as a "health reason".

I looked into the history of abortion. Surprisingly they were often perfectly legal all the way through the pregnancy however they were very dangerous to the mother. The first anti-abortion laws were enacted because mothers were dying from the procedure and the laws were meant to save the women.


The actual procedures for late abortion (dismemberment, crushing of the head and so on) are not at all new. I have an obstetrics book published in 1881 (wow my book is 138 years old!) that details the procedures and they have changed little since that time. The biggest difference is back then, before cesarean section became safe, usually they were done because the baby could not be normally expelled due to cephalopelvic disproportion (head too big for mom's pelvis, often due to maternal bone deformities caused by tuberculosis, malnutrition etc.) and the baby was going to die anyway if not already dead, or the baby was in an impossible lie such as transverse, which if labor has progressed and the baby has been pushed too deep into the pelvis it's spine is broken anyhow (it's been folded in two quite violently) and it is dead or dying but even if it's not, the mother would definitely die if the baby isn't gotten out somehow, and vaginal extraction was the only way to preserve the life of the mother back when cesareans usually killed the mother.

These were the situations where the doctor and possibly the father would have to decide whether to save the life of the mother or the baby and usually the mother won because she already had other small children to raise and her "worth" was far more to the family. You must remember back then there was a high mortality rate among children. You wouldn't save a baby that had a 50% chance of not surviving childhood anyway when you could save the mother who could live on and produce many more children for you as well as care for the ones already born.

So back then these procedures, including the infamous "partial birth" breech maneuver, were normally not done on a healthy mother and baby just to terminate a late pregnancy, but were used after labor had already started and could not complete for some reason, or were done when the baby had died in utero and labor was delayed too long putting the mother at risk for sepsis. Today they are still used in the latter case, babies still die from natural causes before they are born, and need to be gotten out. And in that case it's stupid to perform major abdominal surgery when a vaginal route is possible.

Nowadays abortion laws exist to protect the baby, not the mother. We have flip flopped our perception of value and now value the fetus's life above the well being of the mother (if having an unwanted baby stresses her or lowers her quality of life) and above the well being of the fetus's already born siblings (if additional children reduce resources available to the older siblings). Low child mortality means each child born is an entire human life and each abortion is erasing an entire human lifetime.

Family economics has flip flopped. One more child in the past added to the family's economic well being (another hand to work the farm) but today one more child depletes the family's economic well being - children do not contribute anymore; they are instead a huge financial drain. Hence a BIG incentive to abort them and I believe why abortion laws now exist to protect the fetus instead of the mother.

But in summary, I'm very concerned about this law. It's going to lead to "health" reasons little more than "I'll have stress and anxiety having to budget to raise this kid" and in MY moral world that is NO reason to kill my own baby.

Spin Zone / Re: Are Democrats Waiting to Trade Wall for RBG Replacement?
« on: January 21, 2019, 05:34:34 AM »
Crazy as it sounds, I wouldn’t put it past the communist party of America (they call themselves democrats) to think they can hold the President hostage over the border wall, hoping to trade the wal, funding for the naming of Ginsberg’s replacement.

Oh God, don't give them ideas.

Spin Zone / Re: Does Buzzfeed Survive.......
« on: January 20, 2019, 08:22:19 AM »
Says me if you aren’t being paid for your efforts you aren’t gainfully employed. Employed perhaps, but not gainfully. 

I also think that Trumplethinskin is doing this all on purpose. Maybe he is a Russian operative, it wouldn’t surprise me at all. He had two years with a Republican Congress quite willing to do whatever he wanted and he waited for this until the Democrats took over. His biggest campaign promise waits until after the midterms. Sorry, I smell a rat, and it I overly fond of McDonald’s.

These are serious questions:

Do you, and other Dems, actually believe Trump is a Russian operative? You actually believe he's spent his life bonding with soviets and dreaming of the day he could turn the U.S. over to Russian rule?  Do you think that's what drives him? Do you actually believe he fixed the election(with Russia's help)? Do you actually believe it is impossible that there were enough "flyover country" people and swing voters to reject your hideous corrupt candidate and put Trump in office without Russia fixing the election? Do you really believe that if not for Trump colluding with Russia this country would have elected Hillary?

Why is it so very hard for you to accept that there were enough people sick of the Democrats or repulsed by Clinton to have, if not vote for Trump, at least go third party and cause her loss without any help from Russia at all? Why is that? Are you unaware of the things Hillary did to Bernie Sanders? Are you unable to understand why people would respond to Trumps tax cut promise?

Spin Zone / Re: Does Buzzfeed Survive.......
« on: January 19, 2019, 02:38:28 PM »
Right now the only datum supporting a role for Super Callous Fragile Ego Extra Braggadocious in Russian collision is from what would appear to be an unreliable witness.  But calling the collusion investigation a hoax is simply ignoring the results, given the number of indictments and convictions. I bet the Short Fingered Vulgarian skates on this one, I don’t think they’ve any credible witnesses to link him up. Even if they did, a GOP controlled Senate would never vote to convict.

At the rate things are going this could all be academic in a couple years. The public blames Trump first and the GOP second for the shutdown. If it continues that much longer (and all indications appear that it will) government employees are going to quit en masse to find gainful employment. They’re people, and they gotta eat.  At that point Americans are going to have a very rude introduction into exactly what the government does for them. And I cannot imagine the effect on the economy when the national airspace system shuts down because there is no one to provide security services for the jets that can’t fly without ATC. 

This could get very bad indeed. You guys can cheer from the sidelines because the government you so hate will be doing exactly nothing. I predicted a Trump Presidency would be the end of the GOP, and everything I’m seeing seems to indicate as much. I can’t believe the public will so quickly forget this.

Of course, Trump could declare and emergency and make everything that much worse.

Are you admitting they're not gainfully employed in the government? Or rather, productively employed? Anyway, they won't. They know they'll get back pay and they aren't about to give up their benefits.

I checked into what "services" are not being done. Food inspection is one. I guess we will all die from food poisoning because the Feds didn't bless it.

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: January 19, 2019, 02:25:40 PM »
A husband and wife have been married a while and are getting on in years. The husband began to suspect the old lady was starting to lose her hearing. So one day he decided to test her when she wasn't looking. He approached from behind, about 20 feet away, and quietly said, "Can you hear me?"

Nothing. So he moved closer, about 15 feet, and said, "Can you hear me?"  Again, no response.

So he moved to 10 feet away and said again, "Can you hear me?"

Still no answer. So he moved in to about 5 feet from her back and said once more, "Can you hear me?" This time his wife turned around and said, "I already said 'yes' three times!"

THIS is what concerns me most. Last night I took a red eye back home, and driving home from the airport I listened to Coast to Coast AM with some host named George something. He had a physicist with a Ph.D. In nuclear chemistry or geochemistry. I think his name was Marvin Herndon or something. Anyway, the discussion was on geoengineering and I shit you not, chemtrails.  He had all kinds of information on some chemical from coal fly ash which is used to manipulate weather that was found in children, blah blah blah. He spoke about the “deep state perfect storm”, implying that government (military) manipulation of the weather is a direct cause of the CA wildfires, etc. 

So here’s the problem. Just as some pilots are vastly better than other pilots, some PhD scientists are vastly different from other PhD scientists. Throw in government political motivation for a desired outcome, government research grants potentially impacting objectivity, and media into the mix, and you get at best something that we ALL should be skeptical about.

So Steingar ridiculed the scientist that
Is the topic of this thread. I ridicule the lunatic scientist on Coast to Coast. Steingar’s measure for incontestable proof is “peer review”, but punctuated by what he feels or believes.  He used those terms above I believe. Yet are those peer reviewers pure as the wind driven snow, or are they potentially biased as well?  Is Steingar at the top of the genetic scientist heap, or is he at the bottom?  We don’t know, but I’m put on guard when he completely dismisses and ridicules the scientist in this article, or  climate scientists that don’t happen to match his scientific world view on MMCC.

The problem as pointed out by Jonathan Haidt who started out a far left wing liberal is that the centers of learning (universities) have become largely homogenous and no longer welcome open dispute from anyone not left wing liberal. Science that impacts public policy including MMGW and IQ is where they are most congealed in their orthodoxy and are completely hostile to any opposing viewpoint.

But entertaining opposing viewpoints is core to scientific discovery and progress and is supposed to be the core mechanism through which universities advance human knowledge. Haidt believes that the concentration of the political left in universities that has occurred within the past few decades is a crisis that is hampering its very mission. Though Haidt is on the left, he recognizes that the absence of conservative professors and researchers is having a terrible influence on what universities are producing: students who don't know how to look at all sides and think critically.

They are producing students who cannot tolerate hearing an opposing viewpoint much less be able to debate it intelligently. You have to learn about the opposition if you're going to make a good argument for your own side. But that's not what universities are teaching students in these areas, instead they are simply indoctrinating them to one side with a set of enshrined talking points.

When universities become 95% liberal and you spend all your time there you begin to believe theirs is the default reality (same with living in big cities) but America is consistently about 50/50 conservative liberal split. Universities are failing to expose students to a full half of the nation's point of view and that is a big problem. It's accelerating the divide and hampering constructive communication between the sides. There is evidence that being liberal or conservative is related to inherited traits such as openness to new experience, need for order, and other psychological tendencies and therefore the split is going to be with us for a long, long time.

It is also likely that a good mix of these same psychological characteristics are necessary for valid scientific investigation. This has traditionally been intuitively understood at universities but the now overt hostility toward conservatives is creating a closed unchallenged environment in certain subjects that is going to hamper progress in these areas and is creating a self amplifying closed loop of funding/ research that does little more than justify each other's prior biases.

It's not that conservatives are right and liberals are wrong or vice versa. It would be equally bad if it were a conservative takeover at universities. Objective fact may sometimes end up favoring one over the other but when one side completely shuts down talk from the other, as is what's happening - conservative speakers are being banned, conservative professors are being censored- then there is now ingrained institutional bias, and worst of all, the members cannot see their own bias because they isolate themselves from everything not supporting it. It becomes a self sustaining and self amplifying bias that eventually becomes political policy out in the real world.

Now you have policy based on conclusions that did not receive a full critique from fully half the nation's population and that is a very bad thing. If your science is wrong then your policy creates devastating harm. If your science is correct then you have arrived at it without consideration of the opposing side and caused half the nation to mistrust you. And when they mistrust you they create their own one sided theories and their own damaging policy. Either way it's a very bad problem.

Spin Zone / Re: My Grand-daughter, the Progressive
« on: January 15, 2019, 06:43:08 AM »
She's right except she has it upside down. It's her side (the left) who are the bad guys.

Hitler could not do what he did to the Jews without first painting them as "evil" through propaganda. That is exactly what the media and the democrats are doing to conservatives and white males and republicans and Trump supporters. They are telling lies and using pejorative terms (racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynist, etc) creating false monsters out of normal Americans. You can't persecute a group until you first do this.

The boy was 100% to blame.  But that doesn't give the sheriff a pass on not doing his job.  The world is full of violent nuts.  That is why we have sheriffs and other LEOs.

Upon thinking more about this, maybe this isn't why we have LEOs. Mostly LEOs collect evidence after a crime. (And write traffic tickets.) They are almost never around when you are actually being victimized. No offense to LEOs on the board, but it's true. It's not actually their job to be our bodyguards. This has been upheld by the courts.

But their value is in apprehending a criminal so the next victim is protected, and in this part this sheriff failed.

Spin Zone / Re: GoFundMe Wall Project
« on: January 12, 2019, 07:59:31 AM »
You're starting to sound like Number 7 here. Attributing asechrest with the desire to moderate a board? Huh?

Liberal positions are generally not defensible, but nonliberals don't have to be assholes about it. People usually come further along the thought train when met with remarks like “tell me more about that” or “why do you feel that way?”

And heaven forfend, but if you listen to their responses without judgment, you might actually learn something interesting that will give you great ammo in the continuing discussion.

This and also some liberal positions are defensible, but as a libertarian rather than a conservative you'd expect me to think that.

What's indefensible, and I hope this is what Anthony is mainly talking about, is economic collectivism and identity politics. The idea that taking from the productive to give to the non productive with the goal of equalizing everyone, and affirmative action for certain groups with the goal of retribution for past inequalities, these are the core of progressive liberalism and these are not only indefensible but dangerously evil.

As Anthony says, it's against nature. Attempting to equalize outcome in these two areas is counter to nature, never achieveable, and always results in destruction when attempted.

Spin Zone / Re: Safe Room Thread
« on: January 12, 2019, 07:47:12 AM »
Liberal/Progressive (Democrat) hypocrisy is a good thing!

See, complimentary.

I'd never thought about it that way. Wow! You've made me see the light!

Spin Zone / Re: GoFundMe Wall Project
« on: January 10, 2019, 07:25:12 PM »
I like creative solutions.  :)

"We should handle the wall like Pelosi handled Obamacare. Build it, so we can see what it does."

Ba hahahaha! So true!!

Spin Zone / Re: Wants to Deliver Prime-Time
« on: January 08, 2019, 06:56:12 PM »

SNL was so funny back in the day.

Spin Zone / Re: GoFundMe Wall Project
« on: January 07, 2019, 05:09:29 PM »
I'll wait for Anthony to provide the facts and statistics, because I know you won't (or can't). Thanks for clarifying that the border is a noun, though.

His argument is that people crossing the border are doing so with the intent to sway elections and I asked for him to support his argument. All you did was try and dismiss me without actually refuting it.

Neither Anthony nor I have said the illegals are crossing the border with the intent of voting Democrat and swaying elections. I'm sure the typical illegal has the intent of simply trying to improve their life. It's the Dems in the U.S. who have the intent to sway elections by encouraging illegals to cross the border.

Spin Zone / Re: The Conservative Coward Caucus
« on: January 07, 2019, 09:11:46 AM »


Great post.

If you had to say so yourself.  ;D

I agree too.

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