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Messages - Rush

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This is one of those issues where lesbian feminism is 100% allied with scientific reality (and just plain common sense). That it's unfair to allow biological males to compete with biological females in most sports is something pretty much everyone who has given this much thought agrees with - except for the trans community of course, and the Far Left. I would contend, though, that the Far Left really hasn't thought this through and is too focused on the (very real) oppression and ostracism that trans people endure. The trans community, unfortunately, pushes the lie that cross-gender hormones completely undo years of natural masculinization. I will pick one nit with what you said, regarding muscle mass: as the IOC found, a sufficient time on estrogen (something like 2 years) does erase the advantage males have in sheer muscle bulk. What remains, though, an androgenized bone structure that anchors those muscles, can't be erased by hormones and the advantage it gives doesn't go away even after years and even decades.

This is not a new issue btw. Google Michelle Dumaresq for an example of someone who triggered lots of controversy a decade and more ago.

There is also the flip side of this, the question of how much (if any) unfair advantage *natural* androgens confer to biological females with conditions like CAH. Olympian Caster Semenya is someone unfortunately caught at the center of this controversy right now. Sadly we're going to be hearing more and more about this in the next few years.

You brought up an excellent point about CAH!  Even among normal humans there is great variation in lots of factors conferring and denying various advantages to individuals. It would be ludicrous to try to equalize every relevant factor, levels of adrenal and why stop there? Thyroid plays a huge part in energy and motivation. To be truly fair you’d have to equalize blood sugar, neurotransmitters and even height or leg length down to the last fraction of an inch.

The unfortunate reality is nature dishes out all these things unequally and in all sports we must for the most part accept these inequities and just assume that individual training is a far greater effect and can overwhelm these other differences. We ban artificial drug or hormone enhancement and we set the bar differently for males vs females.  In some sports we try to account for congenital physical differences like body size by having different competition classes. That’s the best we can do. If you overthink this to the nth degree then the whole idea of competitive sports goes out the window. What about mental sports like chess? You would have to worry about intellectual differences. Asians have on average 10 more IQ points than Caucasians. Should we not ban them from chess competition?

One could argue for transgenders competing as females based on the above. However the sexual dimorphism of our species is on average greater than any of these other things one presumes. Still you could argue that the advantage given by height has made basketball evolve over time to include only very tall people. Isn’t that unfair to short people? How is trannies in track different than that? I’m being devil’s advocate here. I don’t think anyone would argue that short people have a “right” to play professional basketball and then complain it’s harder for them to make a basket. Likewise women don’t have a “right” to run track and then complain a TG has an unfair advantage. Or do they? Women’s track being for women only is a defined constraint of the sport. To my knowledge no one has made a rule that being abnormally tall is mandatory to play basketball. Or have they?

Wow. It’s going to edge out biological women completely and the sport will end up being men’s and tranny’s.

Good job liberals and feminists. Once again your insanity only hurts women.

Edit: make no mistake, I want transgenders to be accepted and to live happy lives. One of my best friends was transgender. He committed suicide and drives my desire to see more research to help these people.

At the same time there is no denying that being born male endows you with greater muscle mass and more strength. It is unfair to women to complete on the same field with biological males even if they transition completely. It sounds unfair to the tranny but life isn’t always fair and this is a case of the greater good for the most people.

This sort of problem only serves to make people resent transgenders and doesn’t help their cause.

Spin Zone / Re: The Emperor has no clothes
« on: May 13, 2019, 04:19:52 PM »
Wife started keto. Tried pizza made with cauliflower crust. Yeah, gross.

I’ve just gone mostly carnivore. I eat meat, dairy, and protein shakes and not much else except the occasional cheat meal. My blood pressure is down to 112/62 (it was getting up around 130/80) and my blood sugar is way lower, about 95 at 2 hours post meals as opposed to 120. Down 15 pounds in about 3 months. I feel better than I have in years.

Spin Zone / Re: Why I don't "believe" in science
« on: May 13, 2019, 02:14:22 PM »
You know nothing about the scientific process.  If you had data that proved the Earth wasn't warming you could publish it in the best journal there is.  You'd get grants out the wazoo to support your research.  Scientists are just like everyone else, we love new stuff, especially when it busts paradigms.  Don't tell me it doesn't happen because I've done it myself.

I haven't seen anyone say the earth isn't warming. That's not in question. What's unknown is the extent to which man contributes to it. There is absolutely no agreement nor proof of any kind, addressing this.

Spin Zone / Re: The Emperor has no clothes
« on: May 13, 2019, 05:07:50 AM »
Sounds like Hillary was a real bee-yatch, and the Dem party allowed itself to be taken over by the weaker candidate.

I'm not sure why people think I still have a high opinion of Hillary or that I trust her. I don't trust ANY politician, especially one who hasn't been thoroughly vetted. I realized she had no class when she insulted Trump's supporters. So she's a cheat and a liar too? I'm not surprised. Disappointed, but not surprised.

If this is the first you’ve heard Donna Brazile’s story then you’re proving my point. (That you’re to be forgiven if you mainly get your news from MSM). MSM is giving this little if any coverage while screaming 24/7 about Trump/Russia collusion (which never happened).

Back when those emails were first released on Wikileaks I went directly and read them. This is all confirmed fact. Yet the biased FBI gave Hillary a pass and instead (with Hillary’s help) made up a fake case against Trump. The Steele dossier was nothing but lies as we now know and charges are getting ready to be leveled against them all for lying to the FISA court in order to get unconstitutional warrants against innocent U. S. citizens all because they could not abide Trump winning the election.

Not only did they create the dossier to use against Trump, they then leaked it to the press. Then they took the press report and included it in the FISA application as “additional” evidence of its verity. (!!) Steele has now admitted the whole peeing on the hotel bed is unverified. If you listen carefully to mainstream media reports about all this you will hear them say stuff like “it COULD have happened!”  Well you can’t prove it didn’t just like you cannot prove that I wasn’t kidnapped by Martians when I was five years old. But that’s not proof it did, and the whole “case” against Trump and his campaign is just like this. And what you hear from the left wing media is the biased spin and distortion I just illustrated.

The biased FBI and DOJ actors in this were so in the bag for Hillary. The diluted and cursory “investigation” into the leaked emails that Comey did prior to the election was designed to get that problem resolved and out of the way so that when Hillary was elected it would not be an issue threatening her presidency. It backfired badly in my opinion, as it confirmed in the minds of Democrat Bernie supporters that Hillary was not to be trusted and I believe it caused them, and other mainstream Democrats, to sit out the election or vote third party. Comey and the rest did not foresee that and were deeply shocked at Trump’s victory.

That wasn’t supposed to happen in their universe and so they have been trying ever since to overturn it, by attacking Trump and everyone associated with him, causing tremendous collateral damage and costing the taxpayers millions of dollars. And now with the final Mueller report we see it is all a bunch of made up nothing. Try as they might they could not uncover a single solitary crime by Trump. With their dying gasp they are attempting ludicrous shit like trying to portray Trump comments about he ought to fire so and so as “obstruction”. They’re desperate, because the whole thing is now coming to light and they are in deep doo doo.

Hence you see the panicked Democrats try such nonsense as contempt of Congress charges against Barr. Barr is getting ready to bring charges against all these people who have essentially attempted a soft coup to reverse a legitimately elected President because their candidate failed to win, despite having planted all this “deep state” support throughout DC, over decades - that’s how long Hillary has been plotting to be President. She is corrupt to the core.

I don’t believe some of the accusations against her, because I haven’t personally seen the evidence. Such as suicides actually being murders. I stop short of thinking Hillary would order a murder. But perhaps I’m being naive. However in my opinion it’s best to believe only what can be confirmed. It may take a year but this stuff is all coming out. There’s going to be a point the media can no longer deny how corrupt the DC Democrat party and much of the Republican have become. I have been preaching all along that Trump’s victory was more about the common people against a corrupt DC than about conservative vs liberal and that the average Democrat should wake up and see we (Trump voters) aren’t the enemy, a powerful corrupt political engine is the enemy.

If they don’t we are in very big trouble because as you can see, in the wake of Hillary’s failure, we have an onslaught of horrific radical new young ideologues looking to fill the vacuum, the same monstrous Bolsheviks that brought us Stalin and Pol Pot and Castro and Mao and NK.

Spin Zone / Re: The Emperor has no clothes
« on: May 12, 2019, 06:02:20 PM »

 What's funny (sad?) is that someone harps that the President is immoral, then in the same post tells us they supported Hillary.  Hillary is anything but moral.

 As for Hillary, she's been in the public eye for 45 years.  It's not very difficult at all to know who she is, what she is and what she stands for.

Hillary is up to her neck in corruption. But in azure’s defense, if she watches mainstream media she isn’t getting a hint of it. The past two years MSM has been focused on the fake made up fantasy that Trump is a Russian operative while being completely silent on the Clintons’ and the Obama administration’s illegal machinations. What Hillary & Co. has done makes Watergate look like a Sunday school picnic. But hopefully this is all going to come out soon.

Spin Zone / Re: The Emperor has no clothes
« on: May 12, 2019, 05:21:50 PM »
The lie of Charlottesville? That Trump handled it so awkwardly as to shoot himself in the foot (at best) or perhaps let slip some white nationalist sympathies (at worst)? Where did I "pump" anything, other than to say that Trump's handling of the event counts as a black mark against him in the leadership department, even if you put the best possible spin on it? Didn't commit to either view btw, only that he seriously screwed that one up.

And again, there you go with the distortions. I never said "pay no attention". I said I consider her official positions more reliable than one-off comments. I never thought she was anything less than an ardent gun control advocate, but it would take more than an offhand campaign stop comment to convince me she would seriously back mandatory buybacks.

I wouldn’t trust Hillary as far as I could throw her spreading ass.

Spin Zone / Re: The Emperor has no clothes
« on: May 11, 2019, 09:16:31 AM »

Poor little snowflake.

The world just doesn't appreciate your unbelievable wisdom and intelligence...

I can't ever remember a single communist (they call themselves democrats) EVER saying the the left shoud llisten to the right and see if their are areas of agreement, or unity...

I guess you trhink that makes you all better then the rest of us.

Unfortunately both sides are congealing too much in their own certitude and failing to find common ground. However there is a big difference. On economics, the right has already learned leftism, while the left is uneducated about rightism. What I mean is we are all exposed to academia and media and the propaganda that socialism is good and capitalism is bad. I have a degree in economics so I underwent years of them trying to teach me that government control of large pieces of the economy is desirable. But because I am capable of critical thought, I sensed a problem with these schemes. Because I had also on my own read the writings of victims of forced economic collectivism, I learned the truth.

So when a conservative seemingly fails to consider the other side, it’s because he already has, and has no need to go over the same ground again. But when a liberal fails to consider the other side, he actually has never considered the other side, if he has been raised on CNN and gone to typical public schools and universities. He has been taught that capitalism means robber barons oppressing the common man. The truth is capitalism U.S. style has lifted more people out of poverty than anything else in the planet’s history.

Your typical liberal has never done a thorough study of free market economics. That’s why when they finally get around to it you see them switch over, but you rarely see a conservative turn liberal. In addition to this, people tend to grow more conservative with age because with age you gain experience of how the real world works. AKA wisdom. This is why the Democrats must indoctrinate the young and continue to try to recruit ever younger voters.

On at least two issues however - not economics - conservatives commit the same sin: failing to study the other side and standing immobile in their position to the point of spreading harmful propaganda and believing ludicrous fantasies. One of them is drugs. I listened to Sean Hannity the other day proclaim that narcotic painkillers are so evil that even if he had cancer he would not take them. He would endure the pain til death. The levels of ignorance, denial and fantasizing it must take to make such a statement, and the incredible damage such viewpoints has on the ability of sick people to get treatment for their pain, make conservatives, on this one issue, as bad as liberals in their zeal to ruin the world for the rest of us. The FACTS are: only a small portion of patients turn into drug addicts, opioids in hospice before death are miracle drugs that give the patient quality time to say goodbye to their loved ones, not to mention being of great help to chronic pain patients.

The caveat about what I just said above however is that the war on drugs is actually a massive socialist program and hence the left is as responsible as the right in propagating this cruel witch-hunt against pain patients and innocent doctors. The amount of resources (AKA tax dollars) spent on trying to dry up the supply of drugs so the fraction of people who are addicts won’t get them is providing profit for government and private entities while having NO benefit whatsoever on the problem; in fact making it much worse, and the worst part of all is that it makes it extremely difficult for innocent pain patients to get treatment, and it stigmatizes them, shames them, and worst of all, makes them victims of those same fraction of criminal addicts. Drying up the legal supply of painkillers only makes grandma the target of crime.

Putting government in charge of what you consume is leftist territory. Government limiting the amount “allowed” to be manufactured legally, and monitoring who buys and sells it, is totalitarian control of an industry: that is LEFTIST.  My criticism of the right on this issue does not absolve the left. There just might be a few more liberals than conservatives willing to admit the war on drugs is a horrible failure. There are more addicts than ever. As the population ages and requires compassionate pain relief, it gets harder and harder to give it to them as the fist tightens and we will have more and more needless human suffering. Meanwhile the addicts will continue to steal from grandma or get it on the street and end up dying from a Tylenol overdose or switching to heroin because society continues to FAIL to identify and treat the root cause of addiction.

It seems I’ve drifted into a rant. My apologies. My original point was that on a couple of issues the right are making matters worse by not considering the other side. But it seems I have actually proved that even on those issues (or at least one of them) the real problem is leftism once again.

A general litmus test would be: if it’s pro individual freedom along with individual responsibility it’s right. If it’s pro government controls and massive government spending even in the face of obvious worsening of conditions, it’s left.

Spin Zone / Re: Barr puts it to Nancy
« on: May 06, 2019, 12:41:12 PM »
Answered about 3 posts back.  They are entitled to see them in connection to building legislation.

I don't see how that makes sense. You said:

Knowing it would never pass, they make a law that requires candidates to reveal the use of certain tax structures in the past 20 years. Then to research what needs to be relevant, they get the taxes from all recent presidents and candidates, so they can ensure they are building a law that applies fairly.

How does that give them the right to violate privacy?  I propose we amend the Constitution to revoke the 4th amendment. In order to gather data to justify why we need to do that, I need to enter and examine inside the homes of many ordinary citizens so I can gather relevant information to show that many citizens possess illegal contraband even though there is no reasonable suspicion.

That's what this sounds like to me.


The worst thing the GLB community ever did to itself was add the T, and all of the mental health and science denying aspects that it brings.

Most people are accepting of and coexist with the GLB community.  The Trans freak show is so offputting that it casts the entire GLBTXYZ community in the worst light.

This.  By expanding the victim group to include all manners of random off the wall peculiarities they kill the credibility of the basic and true GLB, and cause people to dismiss the whole ball of wax, unless you're on board with the identity politic.  This therefore hurts the gay community. It's much the same thing as what's happened to sexual assault. When you confine the definition of sexual assault to forcible physical invasion and rape, you have a clear mission to prevent or punish such acts. But when you expand the definition of sexual attack to include mere verbal harassment, compliments, requests for dates, banter or innocent physical contact such as a hand on the shoulder, then you devalue and hurt the victims of true sexual crimes, and you damage the normal mating game by creating an atmosphere of paranoia.

Likewise with immigration. When you blur the line between legal immigration and illegal trespass, you cause a backlash against legal immigrants.

Straight up homosexuality has always been recognized as a pretty steady percent of the population. In many cultures it was accepted and even assigned special categories or vocations. It is common practice in many animal species and so there is a strong argument that it is acceptable in "nature".  It seems to be a normal and common variation of the sex drive. It's clear that reproduction is the main, but not the only, reason for sex. Reducing social tension, deflecting conflict, reinforcing alliances, and personal stress relief are reasons for same sex contact in many species.  But in all these instances, the animal (person) clearly is either one gender or the other.

Gender identity problems on the other hand, seem to be an abnormal result of random mutations, damage to DNA perhaps, or hormonal misadventures while in the womb, or the result of psychological trauma in early childhood, or as I pointed out earlier, direct interference in development such as genital mutilation (circumcision) complications. I agree with Steingar, in my experience these people are usually a big mess, and I probably have known a lot more of them than he.

Being gay does not require any medical treatment, and gays are otherwise totally normal, and have totally normal relationships, given some sort of basic acceptance in the community. Transgender people on the other hand require medical intervention to have any hope of normal adjustment. This seems to me enough reason to categorize these groups as completely separate. It's horrible the way the left has thrown them together and incited them to agitate politically as some sort of unified group. The focus should be on research and treatment for the second group, not on using them to get votes and gain political power.

If you worked and paid taxes all your life but your retirement income isn’t enough to pay taxes I would let you still vote.

On the other hand people can get stupid when they get older. I would mandate cognitive testing for all voters. My mother at 92 has “mild cognitive dysfunction”. She is very pliable and easily manipulated.

Spin Zone / Re: President Trump Is Eliminating A Major Federal Agency.
« on: April 13, 2019, 07:12:18 AM »
Well that is the problem.  Bureaucratic overlap.  EVERY state has their own version of the EPA that enforces the rules which mirror the EPA regs.  Then you have the actual EPA coming in and looking for things to enforce to generate fines, penalties and revenue.  It is out of control. 

This happens with Law Enforcement Agencies, and many other agencies as well.  All vying to justify their budgets and generate additional revenue.  In many ways government has become a for profit business.  It profits those that manage, and operate these agencies. Fed, State, and Local.

Where is the accountability.  Where is the ability to reduce personnel, and reduce budgets?

You nailed it. Little pieces of government become individual fiefdoms with their various lords and kings. Not just the agency on a whole, but each department and sub department within. ALL of these are competing for money and power, from the smallest (the guy in charge of HVAC in your local school system) to the largest, on each and every level of government. Even the most virtuous individual will, at the very least, have a stake in keeping their own job, and so will attempt to puff themselves up with apparent importance.

The difference between them and private for-profit business is the goal is not to maximize profit but rather run as many dollars as possible through their own budget in order to demonstrate their own indispensability.

Spin Zone / Re: Sanctuary Cities
« on: April 12, 2019, 02:50:09 PM »
It's like when Scotty beamed all those Tribbles into the Klingon's engine room.

Spin Zone / Re: They're coming to take your guns (NZ version)
« on: April 11, 2019, 10:55:38 AM »

Look to your right.  If you don't see the fanatics, look in the mirror.

Well those Republicans are traitors imo.

Anyhoo to your comment to look to the right.  That is the entire point.  "Normal" Republicans and conservative DO look to the right and see extremists, and deplore them, and want nothing to do with them. Far right evil is named and foresaken by mainstream conservatives/Repubs.  But not so on the left. The average liberal Democrat cannot bring themselves to name extreme far left evil, they can't do it. On the contrary they are moving toward it. They cannot draw a distinction between evil extreme leftism and what they are themselves promoting (Green New Deal for example).  They cannot parse out just when their leftism crosses that line. The Green New Deal is a guaranteed disaster on the scale of Stalin. You can't get more evil or extreme than that. Your average liberal doesn't see that at all.

Spin Zone / Re: They're coming to take your guns (NZ version)
« on: April 11, 2019, 06:39:05 AM »
I don’t see the Republican Party becoming more extreme at all. It’s very much the same as it was at the turn of the century. The Democrat party has careened off the scale left. An anecdotal example: Roseann Barr, a liberal, stated that she has not changed at all, she’s stood in one spot while the Democrat party has moved far left of her. I see no Republican claim that they have stood still while their party moved far right. If anything the reverse. I see some Republicans becoming more liberal on social issues.

In order to become more “far right” you have to become more conservative on either social issues or fiscal and economic issues or both. It’s not happening on social issues at all. They are exactly where they’ve always been on issues like gay marriage and abortion or even becoming more accepting of gays for example. And as for fiscal/economic, how are you going to be “too far right extremist”? Promote a zero tax rate? Propose repealing social security and Medicare? Show me what part of the Republican Party is floating such things.

There have always been extremist right groups such as white supremicists which aren’t actually conservative at all but just another form of totalitarianism but there is no mass flight of Republicans into these groups and no takeover of the Republican Party by these groups whatsoever.

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