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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: Left melts down over Trump's 4th of July Parade
« on: July 08, 2019, 06:00:41 PM »
Can’t imagine voting for any of them, nor how anyone who is reasonably intelligent could.

This could be the problem.

Spin Zone / Re: Cursive writing
« on: July 08, 2019, 07:38:05 AM »
I was hacking Voting Machines, that aren't even run by a microprocessors, nor connected to the internet so it was a pretty nifty trick. 

Seriously, I only took Russian because a language was required to graduate, and I was sick of Spanish.  My school actually required a core curriculum that everyone had to have science, math, humanities and a language.  Oh, the horror!  I quickly forgot the Russian after the final exam.  :)

I took one semester of Russian.  I took 4 years of French and 2 or 3 of German and can speak and understand some of those two to this day.  I did not take Spanish simply because everyone else was and I don't do the herd.  Now I wish I had taken Spanish, I would have tons of opportunity to use it, and very little opportunity to use French or German.  I did use my Russian however to ensure Trump won in 2016.

Spin Zone / Re: Starbucks asks police to leave.
« on: July 07, 2019, 11:29:15 AM »
Starbucks allows guns, but they prefer that you carry concealed.  In my state I can do both, but never open carry as I don't want to attract attention.  The only time I have OC'd is in the deep woods.

I love Texas. On most places here if there is a sign at all it usually says “Unlicensed possession of a firearm on this premises is a felony.”   In other words, all you licensed carriers are welcome!

Spin Zone / Re: The cure for (almost) all the world's problems!
« on: July 06, 2019, 10:12:42 AM »
Population control comes about through education and modernization of society.

This. As nations rise economically, their birth rate plummets. The problem is not too many people; the problem is an imbalance between the advanced nations and the poor ones and the long term problem is going to be too few births. This planet has way more than enough space and resources to support many more times our current population. Forced population control is the worst thing you could do. Not only does it deny people the basic human freedom of reproduction, it backfires as China is finding out:

Population naturally declines when the economy industrializes and moves away from subsistence farming. Women getting educations and careers may be the single greatest factor limiting birth rates because it gives women meaning and purpose beyond motherhood and rising household income removes the need for children to work for family survival. Children become a financial liability rather than a financial asset. Of course access to birth control is needed and as a country modernizes it gains access unless there are religious prohibitions.

Pockets of religious “cults” such as Mormons, Amish, Hasidic Jews, some Catholics and Muslims still reproduce prolifically but in general the higher a nation comes economically the lower their overall birth rate until replacement is threatened. When you go negative with replacement you are heading for extinction.

All the developed nations will face Japan’s problem eventually. Right now countries such as the U.S. with its legal and illegal immigration do not seem to be in danger but it’s masked. The population growth is among the lower socioeconomic groups and creating an imbalance. Illegal immigrants are no longer just from Mexico but from all over the world, where economic conditions are worse than here.

The two biggest areas of over population are India and Africa and in both much of the problem is due to poverty. If these areas pull themselves up out of poverty the population will stabilize and then eventually could begin to decline as what is happening in China.

The goal should not be to reduce the world’s birth rate. The goal should be to achieve a high standard of living everywhere in the world and to keep the birth rate around replacement (roughly equal to the number of deaths). Population should stabilize somewhere around 10 billion.

Spin Zone / Re: Have a great 4th of July... but fireworks are bad?
« on: July 04, 2019, 06:24:30 AM »
These assholes have to politicize everything to fit their twisted agenda.  How about reminding them that most violence committed by PEOPLE with guns is inner city, Black on Black violence and SUICIDES.  Not the law abiding citizen that legally and responsible own guns.

If guns are so dangerous, then why don't you disarm your large, ARMED security detail Bloomberg?

They also never talk about the crime that is prevented by guns or the lives saved by guns which are many more than those hurt and killed by guns.

Spin Zone / Re: Traitor Roberts strikes again
« on: July 01, 2019, 06:57:41 AM »
Good deal - guess so many reflexively disagree with me, that I am starting to do it too.  Will try to work on that.

I’ve done the same thing myself.

Spin Zone / Re: Traitor Roberts strikes again
« on: July 01, 2019, 06:41:40 AM »
I was paraphrasing James Cardinal Gibbons - I believe we said the same thing.

“Truth never changes; it is the same now, yesterday, and forever, in itself; but our relations towards truth may change, for that which is hidden from us today may become known to us tomorrow.”

I will extend the esteemed Cardinal's comment by noting that it's also possible for us to lie to ourselves and begin to believe a falsehood.

Yes we were saying the same thing. I was expounding on your thought.

Spin Zone / Re: Traitor Roberts strikes again
« on: June 30, 2019, 05:40:54 AM »
Maybe.  But a wise man would not be so arrogant as to think they already know the absolute truth. 

Truth is the truth always.  Our understanding and knowledge of the truth can change.  600 years ago everyone KNEW the earth was flat.  Then most of us learned about the truth.

Facts are absolute. Truth is not. Man’s perception of both is deeply flawed. Not one of us has a perfect reproduction of reality in our minds. What we think we “know” is never anything more than a story we tell ourselves based on what we gather through our senses and process in our brains. Each one of us applies a different set of filters and assumptions to come up with what we think of as reality.

We may come to agreement about an objective fact. But “truth” takes into consideration our broader feelings and beliefs. These are subjective, vary from person to person and even in the same person at different times.

Spin Zone / Re: Education is a Fundamental Right
« on: June 28, 2019, 07:32:14 AM »
The U.S. spends more per student than any other country. The AFT and NEA have destroyed our schools. We spend money, but do not get results as we are too busy worrying about PC, Diversity, Multi Culturalism, fake "Inclusion", and pushing the Progressive agenda.

I worked inside a public school system and I know this to be true. I was in engineering and construction. We had to take direction from a group called "programmers" which was a department consisting entirely of liberal females, and it was they who decided, along with the state education board, what courses would be taught and how buildings were to be designed to meet their curriculum plan. All this in accordance with federal mandates of course. Together it was 100% government control on all levels. Very little parents, no church, no business people. The public education system has become a defacto indoctrination camp for pro-big government progressive ideas.

Spin Zone / Re: Did Iran commit an act of war?
« on: June 26, 2019, 11:47:01 AM »
"You need to take your enemy’s side if you’re going to see things the way they do, and you need to see things the way they do if you’re going to anticipate their actions, respond effectively, and beat them."

Tyrion Lannister, Game of Thrones, Season 7, Episode 6

Spin Zone / Re: Did Iran commit an act of war?
« on: June 26, 2019, 06:37:51 AM »
But she is ready to start enriching more uranium.  That isn't a win.

Most idiots in the general public do not grasp the significance of that. Trump (or any president) must walk a fine line. He or she doesn’t have dictatorial power in the U.S. which may end up being unfortunate for our long term survival. Too much public sentiment against aggressive military action (which I agree with you is what Iran needs) and it will be doomed to failure, because it will not be backed up with follow-through. Rules of engagement are too soft or walked back or we start charging soldiers with “murder” for just doing their job. Make no mistake I agree with your assessment; but I’m saying unless the public and Congress get completely behind it, anything decisive Trump does will not be allowed to go to “completion”. Haven’t we learned that lesson yet?

Spin Zone / Re: Did Iran commit an act of war?
« on: June 25, 2019, 02:48:12 PM »
No, that isn't how their culture works.  If a man stands up to them and is strong, then they are to be respected.

You know that the Barbary Wars consisted of like 3 battles, right?  1) they captured an old American warship, the Philadelphia 2) we snuck into their harbor at night and burned the ship, plus blew a bunch of stuff up, 3) A large force of Marines and Arabs marched to the shores of Tripoli, kicked the butts of the local warlord's men, after which he surrendered and promised not to attack American shipping again.

This is how you deal with them because this is what their culture teaches.  Everyone else in the world is inferior to them and must be subjugated (to the way of Islam).  Those who do not are to be killed.  Except, if you're stronger, they can't do anything.  Peace through superior firepower, aka Shock and Awe.

That demonstration of firepower was withheld.

...for the moment. The fat lady hasn’t sung yet.

Spin Zone / Re: Did Iran commit an act of war?
« on: June 24, 2019, 06:03:07 AM »
Trump lost out on this - he gives the appearance of being afraid to engage with the military. And now Iran is back to chest thumping and psyching themselves up for another attack.

Anyone who hates Trump will spin whatever he does as bad. If he does nothing he’s weak, if he takes action he’s a warmonger. I don’t see him as afraid to engage with the military. I see him as biding his time. He’s not going to engage until Iran does something unequivocally unforgivable. This country can’t stomach another Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq - where our kids die and we have no complete victory to show for it. I think Trump senses that. The public would not be behind a military action right now. Unfortunately it is going to take a Pearl Harbor or a 9/11 to get the public behind going to war; a direct attack on our soil.

Spin Zone / Re: What Is Liberalism?
« on: June 20, 2019, 04:57:13 AM »
What you are describing isn’t liberalism anymore. The extreme left are thugs and tyrant wannabes who have appropriated the term falsely. A liberal was once one who was for the workers as opposed to those in the corridors of power. Those you mention are the corrupt power mongers now and they call us workers “deplorable”. In 2016 who was for the workers? Who brought back jobs for us? Not those who now call themselves “liberal”. They cloak themselves in smug self-righteousness rectitude when what they are really doing is undermining everything that made this country the greatest nation in history, that brought the liberal values of freedom and wealth to the average worker beyond our wildest dreams.

These evil destructive leftists don’t deserve the name “liberal”. They are traitors to everything it stood for.

Pilot Zone / Re: Happy Father’s Day!
« on: June 17, 2019, 02:37:33 PM »
Happy Fathers Day.

For me, 7 years ago today I lost my dad to brain cancer.  If you still have your dad, don’t miss any opportunities to see him and spend time together.

Mine died in 2001.  More and more I understand him now, because more and more I become just like him. But I didn't appreciate that when he was alive. I did tell him the most important things, that he was a good dad, and that I was glad he committed that sin back in college before he met my mom that resulted in my long lost half brother that I adore.

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