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Messages - acrogimp

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Spin Zone / Re: Trump Attacks Heidi Cruz' Appearance
« on: March 25, 2016, 06:54:38 AM »
This sort of sums up the opinions of many not-Trump voters.
And that is why they are losing. 

The Alinski-ite tactics of the Left suck when they use them against those of on the Right, it is downright bullshit when some on the Right use them against others on the Right.


Spin Zone / Re: Trump Attacks Heidi Cruz' Appearance
« on: March 24, 2016, 03:05:03 PM »
I honestly can"t tell - was that sarcasm?
Probably referring to the Pro-Cruz PAC add that ran in Utah featuring Melania before she became Mrs. Trump in a provocative pose on a fur throw rug saying 'your next first lady?'

I have never wanted to be a fur throw rug so much my in my life BTW.  Hubba hubba.

In other words, Trump didn't start it and unlike others he makes no discernment between the candidate and the PACs that, wink wink nudge nudge do not coordinate with any candidate or candidate's committee.


Spin Zone / Re: Trump Attacks Heidi Cruz' Appearance
« on: March 24, 2016, 02:06:22 PM »
That is 'an attack' on her appearance?  Really?

The only bar that has been lowered is what constitutes an attack.

You think that's bad, just wait until he starts in on her being a Goldman-Sachs exec, etc.

What a bunch pf pansies, this is as bad as the special snowflakes terrified of chalkings.

Edited to add: I don't think this ( was an attack either, a dirty trick from a pro-Cruz PAC yes, but not an attack.  Ideally spouses and children are off limits but there are cases where a spouse's or a child's ACTIONS might be relevant (e.g., Clinton, Heidi Cruz as former Goldman-Sachs, etc.).


Spin Zone / Re: The problem with Cruz
« on: March 23, 2016, 09:05:02 AM »
Likewise, if it comes down to Cruz and (Hillary or Bernie), I will do all I can to help Cruz.  I'd rather have a poor leader with good ideas than a good or bad leader with bad ideas.
Thanks for putting it that way, well said.


Spin Zone / Re: The problem with liberals.
« on: March 22, 2016, 08:56:14 PM »
Also, does this include SS and Medicare? If not, why not?
In a word, no, not welfare.

I see SS and Medicare differently.  Even though they are not adequately funded they are, in principle, a benefit that has been earned/paid for in the form of payroll taxes by and for an individual. Welfare as in aid payments, is not paid for or ‘earned’.

That SS and Medicare have outlived their intended funding mechanism due in part to ever expanding life expectancy was a foreseeable issue that the wizards of smart who created failed to take into account (giving potentially a lot of credit there), and also since Congress has been raiding the SS trust fund for decades.

If I were in a position to, I would allow folks under a certain age, maybe 40-45 to opt out of SS, and would make no public replacement for folks younger than that (tax credits for retirement investments), consider a government insurance like FDIC coverage at banks if necessary - but folks over the opt out or cutoff age who have paid in should get the benefits they were promised.

SS is a nonviable Ponzi scheme that must end as it is unsupportable as it exists.  SS currently consumes 1 out of every 4 dollars of Federal spending, almost $1T a year.  Putting it into perspective, SS is the single largest line item in the Federal budget, 50% more than national defense spending, and more than 5 times all spending on Veterans' benefits.

Medicare/Medicaid are not what I consider to be semi-efficient uses of federal monies, they too constitute massive spending (5th largest line item).  However, there are legitimate reasons for something like them to exist, in particular if I propose Obamacare was repealed. 

I would look to put the 85% of the population who used to have the coverage they wanted or not (able to opt out) back out in the open market (but cross state lines and the other good ideas for improving health insurance), and look to use Medicare/Medicaid to provide coverage for those who want coverage but can’t get it and those currently eligible.

Collectively SS and Medicare represent half of all government spending, and they represent unfunded liabilities that range from more than $60T to as much as $120+T depending on whose numbers you use.

It is unsustainable.


Spin Zone / Re: The problem with liberals.
« on: March 22, 2016, 01:34:23 PM »
I'd be interested in hearing an overall rationale. You don't need to expand on each. I read your initiatives as fairly typical ideas for welfare reform from a right perspective. They're focused on a few broad ideas: Get off your ass if you can, if you aren't eligible for welfare you don't get it damnit, don't even think about using the money for stuff I consider a luxury, and don't expect your support to last long. In short, they're focused on pulling back support and limiting duration.

Fine ideas. Plenty of arguments in favor of all of them.  But I wonder why you believe those changes will alter the course of the poor? Is it because you belief welfare causes poverty?
See my highlight - ding ding ding we have a winner.

You get more of what you incentivize, and less of what you disincentivize, it is pure human nature. 

I think you or Dav8or asked 'which is easier' when referring to working and getting an education or sucking off the work of your fellow citizens via crime or welfare in another post as if all 3 are morally, practically or financially equivalent - they are not, on all 3 fronts.  And since when is life supposed to be 'easy'?

I work not because I like to, not because it is expected of me, but because I have to.  I have a family to support, and a growing Yak to feed.  I do it because I cannot survive without it - would I prefer to just lounge at the hangar and fly all day - sure would and as soon as I figure out how I am all over it, but nobody owes me jackshit - I made MY plane happen, I made MY career happen, I made MY family, I am responsible for me and mine.

I have been employed since I was 13 (started in a family restaurant), with a grand total of 6 months of unemployment, in 33 years.  I don't take vacations like regular folks since there is always too much to do and never enough time because in addition to my job I have to help others do theirs as well because if I don't things don't get done.  I have sacrificed time with friends and family that I will never make up, so that my wife and daughter would have a roof over their head and three squares a day - at times working 1,000 miles way from them just to remain employed.

I have a child in college, I pay full freight, qualifying for no assistance of any kind, nice that she picked a less expensive community college for her first couple years but soon it gets more expensive, who pays I do.  Now, you and others think I should pay more, not for my child, but for somebody else's - not for my housing but for somebody else's.  If after all that I don't have enough for the movies or a new car, tough shit - work harder. 

I have had a business fail, been victimized by fraud and theft, lost a home and even been laid off a couple times but I always have found and continue to find a way because I am a man and that is what men fucking do.

When asked how much more I should pay there is no specific answer, only more - as if confiscating roughly half of my total income is not already enough.

Well fuck you (not you specifically, said for effect).

Yes, I believe with a less comfy safety net people would find a way to earn the lifestyle they desire, but with a comfy safety net there is no reason to. 

Dirtiest of the dirty little secrets about welfare and the New Deal - unemployment NEVER recovered to pre-Great Depression/pre-New Deal levels.  NEVER.  Unemployment in 1929 was 3.2%, Under Roosevelt it never dipped below 14% and averaged closer to 20% - only WWII caused the eventual recovery.

Want to end poverty?  End welfare, period.  But I recognize that cannot happen overnight and that is why I made the list of suggestions I made.  If it were up to me it would be sink or swim for anyone who is not demonstrably physically or mentally UNABLE to work.  We're all in this boat together, but 47% don't have their oars in the water.


Spin Zone / Re: This is a bullshit ad
« on: March 22, 2016, 08:53:44 AM »
I have to say I was totally SHOCKED to discover that Donald Trump is heterosexual, married to a female who has female parts, and that the kind people who hate him all noticed it at the same time.

Now imagine Hilary Clinton dressed like Mrs. Trump was in that ad...
Dear God, now I need a stick to poke out my mind's eye.  You bastard!


Spin Zone / Re: Trump v. 1st Amendment
« on: March 21, 2016, 09:48:52 PM »
Gimp, if his statements about wanting to "loosen up" the libel laws don't give you pause for concern, then I don't know what to say.  It's his mindset that concerns me.  A mindset that he "would" do something that imperils the freedom of the press, among other things.  What kind of conservative or Constitutionalist would say that?
Again, I don't call him a conservative or constitutionalist yet you keep saying that, then saying you didn't say that, when I call you on it. 

Is he more conservative than ANYONE on the Democrat side, hell yes he is.  Is he more conservative than Cruz?  No.  I never said it, I don't think he is.  And I don't fucking care.

I actually think our press does get away with far too much bullshit, in particular when writing about political figures anywhere to the right of Che Gueverra, it is one of the primary complaints we on the right have had for decades. 

Liberal bias has been a fact in our media since Walter fracking Conkrite, perhaps longer, but it has reached a fever pitch over the past couple decades, the pinnacle (or depths) being the treatment of George W. Bush by the entire media.  And with opinion masquerading as news with no clean break it gets stickier and stickier.

Trump didn't say 'don't say or print things that aren't nice', he didn't say 'don't say or print things that aren't flattering', he didn't say 'don't say or print things he doesn't like', he said don't say or print things that are wrong, that are not true - big fucking difference and if you don't or won't see or understand that then there really is nothing else to say on this topic. 

Look, just admit it - you are unwilling to give the guy a fair shake about anything.  He isn't a big C Conservative, didn't work; he is too unpolished, didn't work; he has no details, didn't work; he is Hitler, or Mussolini, didn't work; he is an authoritarian, didn't work; he beats up women reporters, didn't work; ummm, he has thin skin and is against the 1st Amendment, no.  Just keep throwing shit at the wall to see if anything will stick.

I think the Brits have libel and defamation far more correctly defined than we do, it clearly does not keep the UK press from criticizing their power elite but it does keep things more fact based and better researched.

Demanding responsibility from the media with respect to political reporting in general and in terms of libel in particular is a start to regaining some semblance of an even discourse in my opinion.  It is along the same lines as loser-pays and tort reform, needed changes that are foundational to bringing personal responsibility back to a profession that has totally lost its compass - see Gawker verdict to Hulk Hogan.

I knew there was no purpose to reply to Jeff's post, all it begets is more of the same shit.  I actually almost deleted this.  You guys can't be even be remotely fair to the guy, which is fine.  You're not changing any minds and clearly neither am I, so be it.


Pot, meet kettle.

Literally LOL'd when I read it.

I think she is a talentless and petty hosebeast personally who is only reaping the crap she has sown for years, so call it some schadenfreude but couldn't happen to a nicer (not) person.


Spin Zone / Re: The problem with liberals.
« on: March 21, 2016, 12:49:48 PM »
That's called a conversation, not moving the goalposts. Though you're certainly free not to respond.

I believe I understood your reasoning, now I'm trying to discuss how and whether it would work.

I agree.

Now, how do we break the cycle of poverty?
We've been through this multiple times.  It is not rocket science.

Means and drug testing required for all assistance, period.  Fail a test, out on your ass. 

Assistance limited to subsistence level only, essentially 3 hots and a cot, basic medical care to include non invasive birth control (e.g., condoms, diaphragms, the pill OK but no abortion). 

Food assistance ineligible for junk food, alcohol, cigarettes, etc. - food only.  Unused aid is not transferable but can carry over to next period.

Able to work, evidence you looked for work every week.  You will be required to work around the shelter if nothing else.

Public/Private partnership for daycare for poor working mothers/families with a sliding scale to pay whatever a mother/family can pay.  Working in this daycare would count as workfare for those who are able.  Thinking programs like Catholic Charities, Rainbows United, etc.

There are already enough education and job training resources, use them more effectively (largely private charities).

Repeal Obamacare and return to previous approach.  Provide Medicare/Medicaid for those ineligible for open market insurance.

Aggressive paternity testing and outright brutal enforcement against deadbeat dad's.

Set English as the official AND ONLY language for education, commerce and government in the US.

Remove restrictions on government funds being used with faith-based organizations (less than $2B a year currently) for organization that focus specifically and in a non-proselytizing way on anti-poverty and early childhood.


The aforementioned reduction in bennies for mothers/families on aid when a new child is added.

And the safety net has a limited duration, say something like unemployment.

Pick any 2 or 3 of those and actively enforce them for a generation or two and see where we are.


Spin Zone / Re: Obama in Cuba
« on: March 20, 2016, 07:34:32 PM »
I'm not gonna flame you but I do think it is disgraceful that the President of the United States visits a country that hours before his arrival rounds up dissidents, to add to the other dissidents in its' prison, there for no other reason than they oppose the existing power structure that has victimized the people of Cuba for 50-60 years now.

Normalizing relations with the Castro's did nothing for the US, provides a massive PR coup for the Castro's, and does actual damage to the cause of freedom in Cuba.

I believe it is the worst form of naivete being executed by the same hapless and ideologically driven Department of State that had to be goaded into declaring ISIS a genocidal threat and took James Fucking Taylor to sing You've Got A Friend after terrorist attacks in Paris.


Spin Zone / Re: General Election Prediction
« on: March 20, 2016, 04:39:20 PM »
That post is pure insanity, jumping the shark doesn't even begin to come close.

Supposed expert after supposed expert make these ridiculous assertions and we are just supposed to accept it, regardless of how outlandish.

If anything, this madness has helped to resort and refocus my reading list as I toss one formerly trusted analyst (or whole outlets) after another onto the ash heap of mistaken history given their obsession.

My prediction, Trump over Clinton, map will look roughly like 2000 with minor trades in the rust belt.


Spin Zone / Re: Suicide of GOP -- or its rebirth?
« on: March 18, 2016, 08:34:43 PM »
"Whatever one may think of the Donald, he has exposed not only how far out of touch our political elites are, but how insular is the audience that listens to our media elite."

This is true, but also I think he's further exposing just how much our population has dumbed-down.  And it's not just him.  It's the fact that Hillary, Sanders, Trump, etc. are even major contenders.
I have had just about fucking enough of this.

This is the problem with the discourse, I don't agree with you or whoever and I somehow must be fucking stupid. 

I've got a damnned genius level IQ, tested.  I have a 22 year career in engineering and management.  I am a Commercial rated pilot with flight time in more than 40 different make/model aircraft.  I have started and purchased businesses, employed people, managed multi-million dollar programs in the aerospace and defense fields.

I have specific reasons for most of the choices I make in life, and that includes political choices.

This is what is wrong with us as a divided people - it is not just a lack of respect for people of differing opinion, it is an outright pathological compulsion to denigrate them, demean and dismiss them.  Call them names.  Insult their intelligence, to malign their education and to mock their choices with no respect for how or why they arrived there.

It calls to the worst in us and I am fucking sick and tired of it.


Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Cruz supporters.
« on: March 18, 2016, 07:28:08 AM »
I'll start, and as a Trump supporter who can't stand Cruz and who is not currently sure that I will be able to vote for him were he to get the nomination.

He was a successful Solicitor General for the State of Texas, argued in front of the Supreme Court nine times (Death Penalty, State Rights, Voting Rights Act, US Sovereignty).

For more:

That is most of what I would consider success for him since he has struggled to get anything done (or not done) in his short time in the Senate where it seems almost everybody from both sides can't stand him and as a result won't work with him.

This is why it is so frustrating for me that he is such a poor candidate and has demonstrated such terrible judgement during the campaign.  I WANT to like Cruz because on paper he is THE guy, but in real life he is some odd hybrid between Mr. Haney, Eddie Munster, a tent revival preacher and the worst caricature of the evil win-at-all-costs conservative that populate pop-culture.


Spin Zone / Howard Kurtz - Why Can' the Media Stop Trump
« on: March 17, 2016, 08:13:43 PM »
Another interesting opinion piece that should be an eye opener for those who think the media made and can destroy Trump.


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