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Messages - nddons

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Spin Zone / Re: Racist
« on: July 18, 2019, 11:18:35 AM »
Because he singled out people of color for his diatribe.  Hence indicating that they aren't real Americans to start with.  He's done this all along, skirting on the edge of racism without overtly stepping over, just so his little fanboys like you would have a reason to defend him.

The really sad thing is Reagan's America was a shining city on the hill, showing all the world the grace and superiority of America's values.  This sort of hate based electioneering is anathema to previous Conservative thought and ideology.  I might not have agreed with Conservatives about a lot, but I certainly respected them and their views.  Not anymore.  No this lot.
Bull fucking shit.

If “people of color” are inoculated from any and all criticism, including harsh criticism, because doing to is deemed to be racist, then the tyranny of the minority has already won the battle.

Of course that premise is bullshit, yet that’s the entire protective shield of the left, including you. It’s a cowardly way to live, and threatens freedom of speech that we all should have.

And when a leftist starts citing Reagan, then you know they are on their way to losing the war.

I don't believe the gradual elimination of CFC's stopped the Ice Age the scientists and media tried to convince us was imminent.  The other reductions in pollution were so we could continue breathing the air and drinking water.  They largely worked, but they were not related to climate change.

Now, they are back claiming CO2 is now the devil.  So I guess if you don't worship at the alter of the man made climate change religion you must be considered a Neanderthal DENIER and yes just STFU.  Anyway, they say the science is settled and the debate is over, so we are not allowed to discuss or question it any longer.  Sounds more like a concentration camp dynamic to me.
Yes, but the toilet water that we will have to drink in the concentration camp dynamic will be so much cleaner if they get their way.

Spin Zone / Re: Futility
« on: July 17, 2019, 02:52:34 PM »
when I first wake up in the morning, I'm virtually suicidal, that's how much I hate being awake and alive.  I sit dazed and stunned sipping my steaming hot coffee. It's the only thing worth living for. I've been told watching me wake up in the morning is like watching death in reverse.

Thank you. If I was sipping coffee right now I would have spit it up on my phone. That last sentence is damned funny.

The popular belief of Science and the Media in the 1970's was that an ICE AGE was imminent.  I lived through it and remember the hand wringing, and being taught about it in Science class.  The causes were man made pollutants, including industrial pollutants, an CFC's. 

Bottom line?  It NEVER HAPPENED.  So the scientists FAILED.  The MEDIA FAILED, and thank goodness we didn't further ruin an already poor economy by the "fixes" they wanted to put in place.  Oh, they succeeded in SCARING the weak minded just like they do today.
Face it Anthony. We have two scientists telling us what we heard grown up was remote and hyperbolic. The science was questionable if not nonexistence. In other words, you can’t believe what you read

Similarly, these same two scientists say that with respect to man-made climate change WE are being hyperbolic; our science is questionable if nonexistent. In other words, you can’t believe what you just read in this thread

I’m not willing to try to find the articles that I’ve read that challenge the level of support for the man-made aspect of climate change while discounting the effect of natural or solar variations in climate, so apparently until you and I do some research and submit peer-reviewed studies and raw data we need to sit down and shut the fuck up. Now get back in line like a good lemming.

I guarantee you the expert scientists in Congress like chemist Ocasio-Cortez have not read a single peer-reviewed article on climate change either. But that’s ok, because what the “scientific community” is implying further her socialist goals, so the facts are irrelevant.

Great? Heaven help us if our politics stoops that low. You're probably right, but the other side has a lot of mud to toss at Trump too. So Campaign 2020 becomes a shit-slinging fest, and all the substantive issues get totally forgotten. It comes down to which "tribe" you belong to. You think that's a good thing?

I doubt there is any grand strategy behind it. I think Trump just likes to stir the pot and get people angry at him, because it gets his followers, people like you, to rally around him. That works, but I think he's mistaken if he thinks it will keep him enough votes from the Rust Belt states that put him over the top in 2016. His antics have lost him a lot of support from that part of the country. His best hope is if the Dems nominate someone from the looney-left progressive wing. The Dems may be rallying around the Squad now, but that won't necessarily give them the influence to determine who gets the nod in Milwaukee. Hopefully saner heads will prevail come next summer.
You’re kidding, right?  The politics of personal destruction is the ONLY way politics works these days. The difference is, any quotes from these women will be quotes from these women, referencing their beliefs and policies, not made up, false flag controversies like someone didn’t pay taxes, put dogs in cages on top of cars, had a binder of female candidates, HALLIBURTON!, used the word “pussy”, golden shower dossier, RACIST!, and other meaningless bullshit.

I’m all for going after the issues, but it truly is naive to believe that Trump should be the first to cease fire when the incoming fire is being taken by him 24/7/365.  In my 59 years on earth I’ve never seen someone take such a beating and keep on coming, for no pay, to make this country as great as it can be.

Spin Zone / Re: Racist
« on: July 17, 2019, 07:51:36 AM »
A master of misdirection.  I haven't heard anything about his taxes for a while and "RACIST!" is being diluted beyond all meaning.  And now everyone can see very clearly who is against him in government, the media, and elsewhere.  It's great having your enemies stand up and look like fools.
Exactly!  Like when I live on a farm and had to eradicate raccoons infesting the out buildings. I’d take my lever action Marlin rifle out at night with a flashlight. Shine a light on them and they stand up in a “please shoot me in the belly” pose. So I did.

The sad thing is there exists no evidence nor will there ever to convince conservatives that a) the Earth is warming and )b we are responsible.  It will never happen.  Odin could appear on high with his  Valkyries and say as much, and conservatives would just call it a Liberal hoax.  It absolutely doesn't matter what happens.  Conservatives will never ever believe it.
I thought as a scientist you would actually pay attention to things.

Not one conservative here or anywhere that I know of believe that climate change is not happening.

What we generally don’t believe, and certainly don’t believe that the facts exist, that “we are responsible.”  The earth has been heating and cooling long before “we” humans inhabited the earth. And even when we humans have inhabited the earth, these cycles have continued pretty much constantly. 

Given that we have a 27 million degree furnace 1AU from us, that makes up 99.8% of the mass of our solar system, that provides for life on earth, I’m a little skeptical that man and our SUVs are having any material impact on earth’s climate, given that giant ball of fire in our neighborhood having a say in things.

Before or after they roughed up your Origami Ass at Osh Kosh?  LOL!

. Congratulations Anthony. You win the Internet today! 

Spin Zone / Re: Left melts down over Trump's 4th of July Parade
« on: July 11, 2019, 03:10:59 PM »
Progressives (Democrats) are waging a lot of wars on Americans they don't like these days.
Stunning, isn’t it?  The group that owns the “diversity,” “inclusion” and “coexist” mantles don’t mean any of those things.  Go against their orthodoxy and you will be a victim of their war. 

Spin Zone / Re: Left melts down over Trump's 4th of July Parade
« on: July 11, 2019, 01:03:27 PM »
Yes! And I hate the way the MSM (specifically PBS/NPR, I assume the others are similar) gives anything to do with LGBT so much attention, always with a left-leaning political slant. It is always done in a very self-conscious, virtue-signaling way, very much the same way they handle issues related to race. IMO that is NOT what the news should be about, it should be about presenting facts accurately.

Also it is not just that the left has claimed LGBT - I can't think of a single lesbian that I know who isn't at least left-leaning. I have one close friend who is far-left progressive, and another who is only a little to the left of where I am today. I don't think I've ever met a conservative or even libertarian lesbian or gay person, though I know there must be many out there. But there is very strong peer pressure in the community toward leftism.

Lucifer, thanks for the links... I'm not surprised that Rapinoe is an activist and wouldn't be surprised to see her run for office. I just hadn't seen that stuff before - I don't generally watch CNN or MSNBC, and even the PBS Newshour feed that had the ticker tape parade got dropped here for some reason, so all I caught were short clips that aired later.
Based on a couple gay conservatives that I know, “peer pressure” is an understatement.  The militant left seems SO unhinged at the thought of one of their own perceived constituencies crossing over to conservatism, that they do everything to ostracize if not destroy the “traitor.”  I’m not being hyperbolic either. This is what my friends have experienced.

Likewise for blacks who leave the plantation. Their treatment is worse.  Look at how Clarence Thomas and other numerous black conservatives are treated.

Spin Zone / Re: Home Run Derby
« on: July 09, 2019, 10:21:38 AM »
I’ve never seen two hitters go at it like  lad JR and Joc last night.
When Vlad finally won the second round 40 HR’s to 39, I told my wife that he wouldn’t have enough strength left to win the final.
Christian Yelich of the Milwaukee Brewers said that he looked at the number of swings he needed to take to be in the HR derby, and took a pass, saying it would clearly affect him during the all star game. Smart man.

Spin Zone / Re: Left melts down over Trump's 4th of July Parade
« on: July 08, 2019, 02:24:02 PM »
Pretty much where I am, personally. There are really no Dems in the running that I could even think of voting for, other than (possibly) Biden, and his age is a big negative, not to mention that he has been moving leftward toward looney-land. Not sure where he will come down in the end on the issues.

But walking away from the Dems and voting for Trump are two different things... liking some of what he's done for this country doesn't necessarily outweigh everything else. Most importantly, I still have reservations about some of his foreign policy tactics. Maybe the MSM has slanted the picture, but it seems that he doesn't appreciate the role our alliances have played in keeping the world from sliding into WW3.

Now the 4th of July parade? No criticism from me on that, I thought it was perfect - except for the bit about airports during the Revolutionary War. Ummm.... wtf was he thinking?
Welcome back!  It’s been a while, hasn’t it? 

I believe there’s no “maybe” about the MSM slanting the picture regarding foreign policy and our allies. In the course of 29 months, the MSM has gone from Trump starting WWIII with North Korea to criticizing him for “elevating” the squatty dictator by a handshake and stepping into NK. He can’t win either way.

Similarly with what our “allies” think about us. I guarantee that most of our allies and especially their electorate would like to have a weak and emasculated, bowing and apologizing United States, even though we protect their asses 24/7/365.

Nationalism, or pride in the USA, is now a bad thing according to the MSM.

And Trump has to fight all of it, every single minute of every single day.

Spin Zone / Re: Starbucks asks police to leave.
« on: July 08, 2019, 09:59:23 AM »
A few years ago Peet's implemented a no gun policy, and Starbucks did not, so gun carriers flocked to Starbucks. But they messed up; they held open carry rallies at the Starbucks which attracted anti-gun protestors. Starbucks rightly didn't want their stores turned into platforms for political confrontations, so Starbucks "requests" that its customers refrain from bringing firearms into their stores. But as far as I know they have not implemented the no guns legal requirements such as in Texas you must post a certain warning and to my knowledge they haven't, so it's still legal to carry into Starbucks but their official wish is that you don't.  I take that to mean they don't want you to open carry and (wink wink) if it's concealed it's concealed. Hence no posting that you may not carry concealed.  I don't take that to mean Starbucks management supports guns, it just means they are smart enough not to alienate all the pro gun customers. That's the latest I heard anyway.
Still, until the corporate culture requires store managers to use their brains to welcome all lawful customers including LEOs, military, etc. and give managers the responsibility to tell petulant customers to pound sand if they are offended by anything, THIS corporate culture will continue to prevail.

Spin Zone / Re: Left melts down over Trump's 4th of July Parade
« on: July 04, 2019, 06:45:03 PM »
Trump’s speech was utterly perfect.

Spin Zone / Re: Have a great 4th of July... but fireworks are bad?
« on: July 04, 2019, 05:22:59 PM »
Scott Migaldi? That asshole of the first order...
Bingo, and spot on. I met him once at a POA fly-in (actually drive in due to Wx) at Janesville, WI. He wanted me to fly with him as a safety pilot so he could shoot some approaches. Not on my life would I fly with someone who doesn’t have a rational grasp on facts, as evidenced by the quote from him above.

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